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(This post was last modified: 03-15-2016, 06:54 AM by Len.)
(03-15-2016, 05:13 AM)SharpSpine Wrote:
(03-14-2016, 10:15 PM)andrewjs18 Wrote: stop fighting the GEM PTFE blades...you know they're going to win out.  Tongue

Yes, I do realize this. Yet so many people are sticking with the Feathers for a single shave or two. I go back to the Feather in an effort to understand why people will put up with such an inferior blade. All I can come up with is the cop out "YMMV". Confused2 SMH

It doesn't seem that much of a mystery to me, as its probably because the GEM is such a rough blade out of the box, for the first shave or two. Most users, I imagine, would not rather have to deal with a rough, potentially dangerous couple shaves when they can get a sharper, smoother, safer shave right away with the Feather.

And of course, guys with vintage SE experience will in many cases stick with the GEM, as that is their status quo blade, the one they are most used to and provides the greater longevity they expect. But guys just coming to traditional width SE shaving for the first time with the OneBlade overwhelmingly prefer the Feather, seemingly due to the sharper, smoother, and less dangerous initial experience.

(Am now just experimenting with the GEM, and tossed the first blade after 6 shaves. Back to to Feather now for one blade before a second go at the GEM.)
I'm getting more and more excited for my oneblade order to get here. I'm trying to keep my expectations low, so I'm not disappointed if it doesn't work for me. I initially used the 10 percent coupon, but I'm now trying to see if I can get the 30 day trial. The stuff you get in the trial offer is certainly worth more than the $30 I saved.

Anyhow, I think most people stay with the feather blade because that is what is designed for the razor. The GEM requires some tinkering and since it's so new to many people they haven't had the chance to play around with the GEM blades.

clint64 likes this post
Calling the Gem blade rough and dangerous is an outright exaggeration. I found it smoother and giving a closer shave with the added benefit of costing less and lasting longer. People may prefer one blade over the other just as they do with with DE blades and of course there are those who may state they prefer the Feather having never tried the GEM. I fail to see the Feather as being any "safer" than the GEM. The GEM may not lock in place but it's not moving either. Use what you like but at least avoid generalities that may not apply to anyone other than yourself.

clint64, Freddy, SharpSpine and 2 others like this post
(03-15-2016, 01:37 PM)AFG008 Wrote: Calling the Gem blade rough and dangerous is an outright exaggeration. I found it smoother and giving a closer shave with the added benefit of costing less and lasting longer. People may prefer one blade over the other just as they do with with DE blades and of course there are those who may state they prefer the Feather having never tried the GEM. I fail to see the Feather as being any "safer" than the GEM. The GEM may not lock in place but it's not moving either. Use what you like but at least avoid generalities that may not apply to anyone other than yourself.

Precisely. I was thinking how to reply to that post and I think it better that I simply say +1 to this comment.

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>>> Brian <<<
Happy beeps, buddy! Happy beeps!
(03-15-2016, 01:37 PM)AFG008 Wrote: Calling the Gem blade rough and dangerous is an outright exaggeration. I found it smoother and giving a closer shave with the added benefit of costing less and lasting longer. People may prefer one blade over the other just as they do with with DE blades and of course there are those who may state they prefer the Feather having never tried the GEM. I fail to see the Feather as being any "safer" than the GEM. The GEM may not lock in place but it's not moving either. Use what you like but at least avoid generalities that may not apply to anyone other than yourself.

Al, I have been using the OneBlade about six months now exclusively with the Feather blade, until my last blade which lasted for six shaves with the GEM.

On my first two shaves with the GEM, I cut myself worse than I ever have shaving in many years, despite being more careful than I have been using the Feather. Beyond this, the GEM feels rougher and has much more blade chatter. (My GEM is clipped to allow it to lock in, laying flat.) More chatter in a blade means it is not as secure, as the blade vibration is greater. Since both lock in, I can only guess the greater chatter in the GEM has to do with it not being as sharp or smooth. I feel this as well as hear it... And it definitely is more dangerous, for the first couple shaves. (BTW, shave #3 - #6 were excellent shaves with the GEM.)

And I'm not the only one to notice this. Look around all the shaving forums, and you will notice when you see any extensive discussion on the GEM blade, guys will tell you it is rougher on the first couple of shaves, then smooths out. A lot of vintage guys especially, will put the new GEM in a mild razor, and then after it smooths out, put it into a more aggressive razor.

If this is not your experience, congratulations, YMMV to me and most OneBlade (and GEM) users.

(03-15-2016, 01:37 PM)AFG008 Wrote: Calling the Gem blade rough and dangerous is an outright exaggeration. I found it smoother and giving a closer shave with the added benefit of costing less and lasting longer. People may prefer one blade over the other just as they do with with DE blades and of course there are those who may state they prefer the Feather having never tried the GEM. I fail to see the Feather as being any "safer" than the GEM. The GEM may not lock in place but it's not moving either. Use what you like but at least avoid generalities that may not apply to anyone other than yourself.

+2, Granted I'm relatively new to shaving with the Gem blade and have never used the OneBlade razor, I've found them to be the smoothest blade I've ever used bar none, even from the first shave. To call them "dangerous" is laughable. They're not any more dangerous than any other razor sharp blade.
- Jeff
(This post was last modified: 03-15-2016, 03:45 PM by Len.)
It's not dangerous in the way a hardware blade is dangerous, despite it being wrapped in cardboard (or being made by Personna's "Industrial Division"). Any blade that is more apt to cut skin is more dangerous, and the GEM certainly is that for me.

Jeff, please report back once you have tried a OneBlade or a Feather.

I've used the Gem in many,many SE razors for years. I have 3 out of the 4 auto-strops ever made and used a feather in them. I loved the gem blades in all
my SE's and could never get a good shave with the feather in the auto-strop. Yet I was shocked to learn 2 weeks ago when I received the oneblade that I preferred
the feather.

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BARRY--- BBS OR BUST---- Modern Razors Only

Actually, come to think of it, a cart was more "dangerous" for me. I got worse nicks and cuts from those than I ever have with a DE or SE. I have used Feather DE blades before. Overrated, IMHO. Sharp yes, but about as smooth as 80 grit sandpaper...
- Jeff
(This post was last modified: 03-15-2016, 04:45 PM by Len.)
So you agree wyze0ne, some blades are more dangerous and rough, and the idea is far from "laughable". Wink

Can't speak to Feather DE blades, as they are different from SE blades, just as they are different from Feather AC shavette blades.

Do let us know when you try the Feather SE blades or the OneBlade for your comparisons.

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