(This post was last modified: 07-30-2017, 04:13 PM by ShadowsDad.)
Breakfast this morning. Sorry no pix.
I've made Chef Ramseys scrambled eggs twice. I'm no lover of runny eggs, but these aren't that, yet they are moist and custard like. The first time I tried them I knew that they'd be good with sausage sliced into the mix.
Thats how I made them today. I would have used kielbasa, but I won't buy it since I've been spoiled with our homemade version. But I had a packet of garlic chicken sausage, and it tastes something like kielbasa. For 7 eggs I used 1 1/2 5" long sausages sliced thinly. They went into a saucepan along with 2 TBLs of butter. The eggs were fully whisked to make them uniform in color then added to the sausage and butter. I followed Ramseys procedure and at the end added some sour cream (maybe 1 1/2 TBL), garlic salt instead of sea salt, and some blk pepper. The result was a creamy scrambled egg infused with the garlic sausage flavor. As I wrote I wish I'd had kielbasa, it would be excellent in it. No I can't eat 7 eggs, but I have breakfast already cooked for tomorrow, just gently microwaved to warm them up. The final product is even better due to the hen fruit that our hens give us. Their eggs have yolks a deep yellow, almost orange. The eggs I ate today were laid yesterday so they don't get much fresher.
Buttered seeded rye toast completed breakfast.
Anyone wanting Chef Ramseys scrambled egg recipe just go to youtube and do a search for it.
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Brian. Lover of SE razors.