So as a straight razor shaver and after taking a safety razor adventure over the last few months. I have to say any base is fine with a non- aggressive safety razor and easy to use. I even tried Barbisol and laughed at how easy it is to shave with a safety razor. Once you use a 12/8 to 8/8 extra hollow razor on your face though it is a whole nother experience. That said for straight razor shaving or if I am using my Charcoal Good lvl 3 OC bases are Tallow & Steel current base , Ariana & Evans K2, Daisho current base, Murphy & McNeil Kodiak Base, Wholly Kaw current base and Efros new base. All other soaps are so easy to use with even my Charcoal Goods lvl 3 SB to a Timeless .98 to a Muhle R41. Tried almost every brand out there in N. America, S. America, and Europe ( which is so far behind the US for quality minus a few Spainish and Italian artisans.) Kind of funny how some have recipes that are so old there going to have to change their ingredients by 2022 due to new laws that found certain ingredients to be harmful to humans.