My free Oliworks Classic Steel arrived yesterday - Thanks Jorge for sending one my way.
Let me start with the criticisms first.
I'm really been super critical when I say this, I found one machine mark that is not fully polished out and it's in a place where it does not matter.
There are other US manufactured adjustable razors that cost more than double the price and are full of machining marks.
From a user perspective - I prefer the bars to be the same. (From a collectors perspective its the opposite position)
I would prefer to be able to dismantle it - YES so that I can overclock it.
I don't find enough contrast between the finish and the engraving.
The positives are
The packaging is great in both looks and function.
From a collectors point - I love the different bars. What other Gibbs style adjustable has them!!
Mine has absolutely no alignment issues and I've tried very hard to get it to misalign.
The tension on my adjuster dial is fine and its certainly enough to keep a setting during a shave.
The knurling is great.
US made at a Chinese price - At the $150 price point its great value for money.
Onto the first shave
As always I start at the midpoint and dial up or down depending on what I feel on that stroke.
I dialed it up to 4, relathered the small area and completed the first pass. I then dialed it up to about 5.5 for the next pass and the touch-ups.
I ended up pretty much BBS smooth with no nicks
There is some blade feel but certainly not excessive.
A lot of the Gibbs style razors in Stainless Steel seem to drag somewhat. The Oliworks glides pretty easily, not "Taiga" level smooth for me, but has very little drag.
I found that I preferred the scalloped side, its slightly more efficient. It also has a bit extra blade feel.
The short version - This is an excellent shaver at a very affordable price point.