This is why I own 12 Top performing synthetics, 22 High end badgers and 8 Top performing boars.

Some brushes just work and pair better with certain soaps.
Instead of fighting this, I have chosen to embrace this very fact.

deltashave, NeoXerxes, hrfdez and 1 others like this post
Cheers, Claus from Denmark

Surrey, UK
Three samples used, one to go, and a repeat of one sample required to double check one of the performance factors.

I'll email you my results on Wednesday, Michelle.

WindsorCitrus likes this post

Surrey, UK
Results have now been emailed to Michelle. Smile

WindsorCitrus likes this post

Thank you David, I appreciate your help. I'm anxious to get everyone's results, so I can start making soap!

Optometrist and NeoXerxes like this post
(05-18-2016, 05:42 AM)Mystic Water Wrote: Thank you David, I appreciate your help. I'm anxious to get everyone's results, so I can start making soap!

I'm anxious for you to get everyone's results too Smile.

Optometrist likes this post

Vintage Razor Fan
Southwestern NY
(05-18-2016, 05:42 AM)Mystic Water Wrote: Thank you David, I appreciate your help.  I'm anxious to get everyone's results, so I can start making soap!

Michelle, on the note of you starting to make soap, can you share what your plan is to incorporate your tweaked formula into current stock/offerings?

(Yes, I'm just begging for an excuse to buy more shaving soap! Big Grin)

NeoXerxes, wyze0ne and WindsorCitrus like this post

Chazz Reinhold HOF
Michelle, I will be using sample D today and will be mailing you the results sometime this week. Thanks for the opportunity.

Optometrist and lu20vt like this post

Rob, I plan on starting right away to make new batches with whatever tweak is suggested as a result of these tests. If there's no agreement about which is best, but everyone agrees on their second choice, I'll take that into consideration. I want to improve the lathering in hard water, but not ruin it for those who already are happy with it as is.

Matsilainen, NeoXerxes, hrfdez and 4 others like this post
(05-18-2016, 07:28 PM)Mystic Water Wrote: Rob, I plan on starting right away to make new batches with whatever tweak is suggested as a result of these tests. If there's no agreement about which is best, but everyone agrees on their second choice, I'll take that into consideration. I want to improve the lathering in hard water, but not ruin it for those who already are happy with it as is.

Is there somewhat of a consensus from the results you received so far?

WindsorCitrus likes this post

Too few have returned their results to be able to draw any conclusion. I hope that it is just a matter of life interfering and that the rest will follow soon. I know that at least two more people are almost done and I'll have their results in a few days. Unfortunately, there are still a dozen or so that are missing.

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