To anyone interested tomorrow I’ll be putting up several different scents in the Tallow Roll Up sticks. I want to be upfront and say that only the Bay Rum ingredients list is correct as it reflects the Tallow based soap that I made before. As the bulk F Base continues to cure we took some extra time early last week to make a unscented batch and separated it into smaller batches using various scents we have offered before so we used the labels we had used before the change. So if you want to see the correct ingredients look at the Bay Rum ingredients list and just change the scent ingredients. Example the Lavender Roll Up label would reflect a vegan base but other than the Lavender Essential Oil in the list you can take all the ingredients that’s listed except the Bay Rum and they are the same. The labels will be updated in the future but this time we didn’t have the luxury of time to order all new ones as the window of time to make these was very short.
They will be available on the website tomorrow mid morning.
Also I would like to apologize for not being very active on here this past week but we had a family member pass away suddenly so there were family matters to discuss and take care of.
Also for those that are interested
Dave in KY sent me a good sized sample of the I Coloniali shave soap and as promised I’ll be working on getting as close to the scent and I’m hoping to have this project completed for a mid spring early summer release as I have other scheduled releases to complete so I’ll be working on it in between these releases. I may be able to get a sample of the aftershave from a customer as well.
I’ve also acquired some professional smoking equipment so I’ll have a couple of new releases this year where both the Shave Soap and Skin Food Splash will be smoked. Like I mentioned before I’ve done this once using a make shift method for a custom Smoked Sage shave soap and splash for customer of mine. It inspired me to pursue this option to make a scent unique instead of using a synthetic smoke aroma chemical which smells completely different than naturally smoking. Also I can use different woods or wood chips to smoke.
I’ll also be restocking my vendors and for those living outside the US across the pond my vendor Anticatura will have his new stock soon as it was shipped out to him over a week ago.
All the best