(This post was last modified: 10-27-2015, 06:33 PM by Barrister_N_Mann.)
(10-27-2015, 03:26 AM)Erlenmeyer Wrote: Roam is indeed discontinued. I wonder if any amount of pestering could result in another batch being made for those of us who really want one. Hint, wink, nudge.
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It is, but we're considering a limited batch sometime in the new year. If we follow through with that, it will be limited to one-per-person.

(10-27-2015, 03:46 AM)Marko Wrote: Will, I notice that you no longer make Petrichor - any particular reason? I find that things I like often get discontinued. Petrichor has a wonderful wet dirt scent that I really like. Now I have to go and lay face down in the garden when it rains to get my fix. Until your soap I didn't know there was a word for that smell - soap is a teacher too.
People stopped buying it, so we stopped making it. It was one of those soaps that we only made until interest waned. That said, we're kind of reorganizing our scent catalogue over the course of the next few months, so it might make a comeback as a tallow soap. We'll see?
A lot of people wanted it to smell like their specific regional form of Petrichor, which would be impossible (after all, it can only smell like one thing at a time). They got upset when it didn't. o.o
(10-27-2015, 03:42 PM)tokenaccount Wrote: I, for one, can testify to the great service Will provides for repeat customers.
He can and indeed, does go above and beyond to try and satisfy genuine repeat customers and for that I am most appreciative.
Will, perhaps a simple caveat, stating something along the lines, that orders deemed to be of a commercial nature will be cancelled upon limited editions.
This provides you the legal grounds to cancel order that you suspect, or know are not in the spirit of the greater community and your personal values and also carries the benefit of encouraging an element of constraint.
Perhaps even going as far as either requiring a purchase prior or along side the limited edition would further alleviate issues ?
I hope you're able to identify the order from the 'bot' that caused you grief and blanket ban them for good!
Publicly setting an example also will discourage other opportunistic types.
Cologne Russe, I hope the formulation changes does not change the scent profile, it's wonderful and everyone that I've shared it with agrees!
As for last years and this years Hallows, I will be interested to see what those that own both think of the scent profile.
I noted a slight difference between your last release and prior releases of both fougeres.
So much so, that I sought out confirmation and thus far all have agreed absolutely, bar one, who is indecisive, yet believes there is something.
So there is scent profile changes between batches and to me, that makes these products that much more interesting
That's a good thought; I'll give it some consideration as we move forward, though such a thing would likely make it very difficult for us because we'd have to start sorting through orders and refunding things. Better to do it in such a way that we can limit the purchases before the soap is even ordered.
As for Cologne Russe, I will make quite certain that the reformulation will not damage the scent profile. As for the fougères, I used a different cultivar of oakmoss, this one from India. It has a very pleasant cucumber character, and affected the fougère profile a bit more than I had expected, though I don't think the difference is detrimental.

“You could leave life right now. Let that determine what you do and say and think.” – Marcus Aurelius
Fine grooming products at Barrister and Mann.
Fine grooming products at Barrister and Mann.