Tuesday August 27, 2024
Razor: Eversharp/Schick Gold Injector
Blade: Injector
Brush: Sempogue Galahad C3/Boar
Soap: Tabac
AS : Witch Hazel + CHH Tobacco
Consecutive Daily Shaves - # 2,120
Tuesday August 27, 2024
Razor: Eversharp/Schick Gold Injector
Blade: Injector
Brush: Sempogue Galahad C3/Boar
Soap: Tabac
AS : Witch Hazel + CHH Tobacco
Consecutive Daily Shaves - # 2,120
This post by Dave in KY mentions views and opinions expressed and makes it known that they are "those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of DFS or any other member, agency, organization, employer or company."
I have this glass and mirror cabinet that my SO decorated with a selection of items from my collection of frags, shave gear, etc. Yesterday I was just looking at what was in there and I saw this wooden soap puck container hiding in there. Well inside was a puck of tallow Fine Green Vetiver. The aftershave has been in a drawer that I open everyday for years and I thought the soap was lost, used, whatever, never to be seen again. Got to digging around in past posts and emails and found I had picked this up in 2017.
Brihuega (lavender, soap) — Los Jabones de Joserra
Patrick (soap) — Fragrances of Ireland
What was noticed (beyond the brilliantly insightful soap theme) is the creaminess and nourishing feel, apparent after the first pass. Really creamy; it may be the most I've ever enjoyed this soap.
However much you may acquire, you will always wish to acquire more; satiety is a dream which will always elude you. — Bertrand Russell on shaving soap
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