For me it would be Tabac and the original Old Spice circa 1965 since I used my dad's soap back then.

Marko, Blade4vor, Matsilainen and 1 others like this post
Modern Williams Mug Soap.

Followed by modern TOBS Sandalwood.

drdeemanda, Blade4vor and Matsilainen like this post
(06-19-2017, 04:33 PM)celestino Wrote: Mystic Water Bay Rum; one of the first scents that I started off with, along with Mike' s Lemongrass & Eucalyptus.  Shy

I can see why you're such an expert with Mystic Waters!

Matsilainen likes this post
Pull my finger.
"What's good for me ain't necessarily good for the weak-minded." - Augustus McRae
Anything TOBS! LoL

drdeemanda likes this post
Tom's of Maine Calendula Cream (in the tube). I lived in Charlotte, NC at the time (2007 ish). There was a grocery store called Bloom that sold a lot of their products. That was my first "brush recommended" cream. I picked up a Tweezerman brush (I think it's the same as the Escali brush) and a pack of Bic single blade disposable razors (in a few weeks I upgraded to a DE89). Whenever I smell calendula now it reminds me of reteaching myself to shave.

Sent from my Pixel using Tapatalk

Matsilainen likes this post
warm, crimson blood, amber stinging iodine. I'd work that into a Haiku if I could stop wincing at the memory.
(06-23-2017, 08:39 PM)EricM Wrote: Anything TOBS!  LoL

X2. That and Pinuad Clubman.

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Arizona, USA
Floid Amber really takes me back. I remember how cool the bottle was when I unwrapped it and removed it from the box. Everything about it just had a presence even before I took a whiff!

Blade4vor, Matsilainen and OldGuy like this post
“Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it we go nowhere.” ~ Carl Sagan
The Aqua Velva Christmas sampler. Back in the sixties seems like everyone got one during the holiday season.

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"Do not regret growing older, its a privilege denied to many."

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