I am looking for your suggestions on blades I might like that I haven't tried yet. So far my favorite combo has been a Wizamet Super Iridium in my Lupo 95. It allows me to go ATG with the most minimal irritation, so I guess I'm looking for blades around this range. I'll list in order of favorites blades I've tried I liked, then below that in order of least favorites blades I don't like. I think I would guess I don't necessarily like the sharpest blade, but I like something towards the sharper end as well as ok durability. For example I have great shaves with Feathers, but I need the longest breaks in between shaves to recover from the raw feeling (not cuts necessarily) and only get 2 shaves from a blade before I toss it. I really liked Nacet's at first but after a bit noticed I get a bit more tugging for some reason vs a couple others. Gillette Platinum doesn't have the highest sharpness based on reviews I see so I won't know why I get along with this blade in particular. Kai might be just the small increase in size that changes the feel, but I do think it's a sharp blade of course. Permasharps are good, but I feel like I get bit by them from time to time vs others higher on the likes list. Astra Platinum's are by far my least favorite blade ever. I just haven't found a good combination with the razors I've tried and have given them a fair shot I think having gone through a complete tuck and usually try 2 shaves per blade. I really look forward to tossing them after the 2nd shave when I've committed to them. Astra Superior Stainless though would be higher on the list for all other things, but the ATG shave on my neck seems to be slightly irritating when I go beyond 1 pass.

I think if I only ever did a 1 pass shave, every single blade would be good and produce at minimum a socially acceptable shave. From the 2nd pass on is where I start to notice their differences. I am a red head and don't necessarily have very coarse hair, but it might be on the more curly side for lack of a better work. I also usually shave about every other day to 3-4 days when I'm really lazy in the winter so they never have to go through a full beard or significant growth.

  • Wizamet Super Iridium
  • Gillette Platinum
  • Kai Stainless
  • Gillette Nacet
  • Permasharp
  • Astra Superior Stainless
  • Bic Chrome Platinum
  • Feather Stainless
  • Persona Platinum

  • Astra Superior Platinum
  • Wilkinson Sword
  • Voskhod
Blade preferences are so subjective, it is hard to recommend. To get a sense of a great variety of blade characteristics take a look at a tremendously useful thread maintained by RayClem that includes detailed blade descriptions and a downloadable spreadsheet that is updated regularly.


dtownvino, Big_T, Tedolph and 2 others like this post

North Carolina
I'll make 2 suggestions. Rapira Platinum Lux blades, and swap out the Lupo .95 for a Timeless .95. For me, that combination is superior to the Lupo in comfort and efficiency. (I sold my Lupo, still have the Timeless)
I have been hyping about Razolution for a while . It's a hidden gem .

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Chester County, PA
(07-21-2024, 05:53 PM)Nepa507 Wrote: I am looking for your suggestions on blades I might like that I haven't tried yet. So far my favorite combo has been a Wizamet Super Iridium in my Lupo 95. It allows me to go ATG with the most minimal irritation, so I guess I'm looking for blades around this range. I'll list in order of favorites blades I've tried I liked, then below that in order of least favorites blades I don't like. I think I would guess I don't necessarily like the sharpest blade, but I like something towards the sharper end as well as ok durability. For example I have great shaves with Feathers, but I need the longest breaks in between shaves to recover from the raw feeling (not cuts necessarily) and only get 2 shaves from a blade before I toss it. I really liked Nacet's at first but after a bit noticed I get a bit more tugging for some reason vs a couple others. Gillette Platinum doesn't have the highest sharpness based on reviews I see so I won't know why I get along with this blade in particular. Kai might be just the small increase in size that changes the feel, but I do think it's a sharp blade of course. Permasharps are good, but I feel like I get bit by them from time to time vs others higher on the likes list. Astra Platinum's are by far my least favorite blade ever. I just haven't found a good combination with the razors I've tried and have given them a fair shot I think having gone through a complete tuck and usually try 2 shaves per blade. I really look forward to tossing them after the 2nd shave when I've committed to them. Astra Superior Stainless though would be higher on the list for all other things, but the ATG shave on my neck seems to be slightly irritating when I go beyond 1 pass.

I think if I only ever did a 1 pass shave, every single blade would be good and produce at minimum a socially acceptable shave. From the 2nd pass on is where I start to notice their differences. I am a red head and don't necessarily have very coarse hair, but it might be on the more curly side for lack of a better work. I also usually shave about every other day to 3-4 days when I'm really lazy in the winter so they never have to go through a full beard or significant growth.

  • Wizamet Super Iridium
  • Gillette Platinum
  • Kai Stainless
  • Gillette Nacet
  • Permasharp
  • Astra Superior Stainless
  • Bic Chrome Platinum
  • Feather Stainless
  • Persona Platinum

  • Astra Superior Platinum
  • Wilkinson Sword
  • Voskhod

You have so many blades you like i wouldn’t focus on others, i would focus on categorizing the ones you like into good, better, and best.

ewk, bkatbamna and Captainjonny like this post

Chicago Suburbs
You can access my evaluation spreadsheet here:


You can download the table from my Dropbox account, but you cannot alter it. If you wish to alter the account, download it and save it to your own hard drive. Then you can do anything you wish. The spreadsheet is a standard Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. In Excel, most columns can be sorted using the dropdown arrow on the column headers.

I evaluated approximately 75 blades over the course of six months. The evaluations are subjective, but I tried to be consistent in the methods used.

Most of the blades the OP liked are those in the sharper half of the table (sharpness values of 4-5). Thus, you can use the table to find other blades that are similar to those you like.

Hogger, Captainjonny and ewk like this post
Looks like you haven't tried any NOS blades, I would pick up some of those to really see what you're missing out on!
Personna Comfort Coated for sure - they are probably very similar to the Platinums
Razor Blades Club has the biggest sample I have seen so far, can just get that or go to RE or other sites like them who have more curated sample packs.

It's what I would do. Just get samples packs.
I actually ended up committing to a 250 pack of Wizamets but after visiting RBC again I might have to order some. The Wizamets are my favorite blades thus far, and also very economical at about $0.15/blade. The possible blades I would want to try at 1.5x-2x the price and I think I'm at the point of trying to look for diminishing returns. Or, the trade off is finding a sharper blade and reducing smoothness like a Feather or Nacet. I don't try to eek out the most life out of a blade and have no problems tossing one after 2-3 shaves for longevity also isn't a major concern. A 250 pack could well last me 4-6 years if I use it 3x and only shave every 3 days. During the summer I shave more like every 2-3 days and the winter can be as little as 2x a week.

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