Gentleman Urbane — Yardley London
This pulled a stranger compliment a few hours ago, one of just three compliments in as many years. Not that it's about compliments; this one actually concerned me a bit since it was at work, and I had not detected any sillage in half an hour. (I have this scent rated at two out of five stars for sillage.). Did a check-in with a co-worker, and he first said he smelled nothing, then, "Now that you mention it, fresh . . . like fresh-out-of-the-shower clean."
Bought this expecting grass-and-stems greenery and was very disappointed to discover it has a strong sweet tooth: if it's green, it's a fairly sweet, cologne-ish green. Considering the 50 milliliters burned through, I reckon me and that sweet scent's done made friends.
However much you may acquire, you will always wish to acquire more; satiety is a dream which will always elude you. — Bertrand Russell on shaving soap
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