Well now I get it. The next time someone posts any inquiry; be it Is WILLIAMS discontinued? or What are the scents in Creed Bois du Portugal? I will list multiple GOOGLE links instead of sharing my knowledge. There is no excuse for IGNORANCE when a simple websearch can make forums moribund as has been pointed out. I was also physically ill when I posted. But then that is hardly excuse to offer people professing manhood and gentility. I am recovered enough and on pain medication to do my own backtracking on my original comment. I will not burden anyone with links, a GOOGLE search sufficient. The forum post is gone. But the source that perked my greater curiosity may be found DRUMROLL with a WCS search that produces a rather nasty review on one of those websites. You know, offer a free meal for me and my hooker or I'll say cockroaches were in the minestrone. There is a charming individual in OH CANADA! with @ two dozen reviews and I think fifteen are negative. He made comment about some dark business dealing at WCS. So, I didn't GOOGLE but contacted said individual. Bottom line? He has a personal issue with iranian terrorists and is a 'Good Christian.' I asked if he had an issue with Misrahi, Christian, Bahai and Zoroastrian Iranians or just the Sh'ia and did that include Sufis? He responded 'they're all rugheads' apparently ignorant of those other practices.
Ah, gotcha moment. I replied that the name of the new WCS owner is not Farsi but DRUMROLL HEBREW. He replied again stating he hated kikes even more for killing Jesus, not to contact him again and I was probably a homo.
So, there you are. I will be on sabbatical. I'm taking a friend to a Perla Battalla concert and dinner at a Moroccan restaurant Saturday. Monday I get to pursue my knowledge ( with assistance) in experimental archaeology with trephanation or in modern parlance a cranialectomy. I'll be out maybe 2 weeks. Do enjoy the rebalancing of your worldviews and don't forget to GOOGLE any question about wetshaving.
the_crunch and
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