
Posting Freak
(04-18-2023, 12:13 AM)DanLaw Wrote:
(04-17-2023, 08:38 PM)Marko Wrote:
(04-17-2023, 04:51 PM)johnnylighton Wrote: In my law school there were all kinds of aspiring lawyers. Some took this path to help people. Many did it because they wanted a steady, well-paying career. I did it because I come from a family of lawyers and my father basically pushed me into it (I should have gone into tech). If I hadn't switched from being a business lawyer, which never inspired me, to helping hurt people and their families, my career would have been a waste. There are lots of lawyers who may have started with good intentions but their need/desire to make money changed that. Fortunately, there are more who just want to do a good job for their clients and be an honorable professional. I wish every lawyer took your sentiment to heart.
Ditto - there are bottom feeders in every profession (and ts possible to feed off the bottom from the top).  When I was called to the Bar I swore an oath that included that I would not promote frivolous or vexatious actions.  Some people define those terms differently.  I saw people cheating on the Bar Admission Course then signing certificates certifying that they hadn't cheated. I'm retired now and that suits me fine.

That gutting, really gutting. Breaks my heart to witness people throwing away their lives, especially when given an opportunity for greatness. Money important but it can't replace one's soul.
They went on to very “successful “ careers  . Everyone chooses their own path and ultimate consequences of those choices

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It's sad because it was definitely a site I spent a lot of time on early in my adventure. But it certainly suffered from some of the common issues that seem to plague vendor-owned forums, and it did seem to me like traffic was starting to dwindle over the past few years. Facebook Groups and Discord Chats seem to be taking the place of most forums these days. DFS is really the only forum I bother with anymore.

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Garrett, The Shaving Disciple - Christian, Husband, Father, Writer, YouTuber, Head Shaver
2024 Software Restraint
(04-18-2023, 04:20 PM)gwsmallwood Wrote: It's sad because it was definitely a site I spent a lot of time on early in my adventure.  But it certainly suffered from some of the common issues that seem to plague vendor-owned forums, and it did seem to me like traffic was starting to dwindle over the past few years.  Facebook Groups and Discord Chats seem to be taking the place of most forums these days.  DFS is really the only forum I bother with anymore.

yeah regardless of how lame this lawsuit is, engagement and activity there has definitely been really low in the last year or two.

DanLaw, olschoolsteel and Rebus Knebus like this post
(04-19-2023, 02:05 AM)jesseix Wrote: yeah regardless of how lame this lawsuit is, engagement and activity there has definitely been really low in the last year or two.

Well, isn't that true for all the forums? I certainly remember the ones I used to frequent being much more active than any of them are these days. There are so many other ways to engage with this hobby and most of the younger group are more comfortable with media other than forums.

DanLaw and HighSpeed like this post
- Yohann
(04-19-2023, 03:41 AM)yohannrjm Wrote:
(04-19-2023, 02:05 AM)jesseix Wrote: yeah regardless of how lame this lawsuit is, engagement and activity there has definitely been really low in the last year or two.

Well, isn't that true for all the forums? I certainly remember the ones I used to frequent being much more active than any of them are these days. There are so many other ways to engage with this hobby and most of the younger group are more comfortable with media other than forums.
Most of the youngsters are taking the beard route off late. The most common reason being that they find it too consuming to shave daily, skin breakouts etc.

Sent from my V2040 using Tapatalk

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gone to Carolina in my mind
I think there is a huge difference between discussing an issue and discussing the character of someone who raises the issue.  As regards Mr. Gomez, he could not file his complaints without an enabling law, so why do we have that law?

To my mind, one key question is at what point do ADA rights "excessively" abridge the right to freedom of speech or the right of people to assemble peaceably?  These are 1st amendment rights, and in the first half of the 20th century, the Supreme Court decided that they apply to state and local government too.  The world has changed since then, but FWIW I am including online assembly in my own thinking.  So, to what extent may the freedoms of speech and (online) assembly be burdened by requirements to accommodate various types and severities of disability? Also, to what extent, if any, do states and localities get to decide?  And flipping the coin, another key question may be the extent to which the courts might apply the equal protection clause (14th amendment) to the inclusion of disabled persons online?

I am not a lawyer, but these are complexities that occur to me, even from my amateur perch.  I have no doubt that a well trained attorney could complicate matters further.

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Technique Trumps Tools
Skin Care Trumps Skin Repair

Be Cool, be Kind, and be Well
--  Mike --

Nashville, TN
Wow, this is completely bothersome to me. Small business is definitely the Rodney Dangerfield of the business world - no respect.

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Posting Freak
Peachtree City, GA
(This post was last modified: 04-20-2023, 08:09 AM by DanLaw.)
(04-19-2023, 08:33 PM)HighSpeed Wrote: I think there is a huge difference between discussing an issue and discussing the character of someone who raises the issue.  As regards Mr. Gomez, he could not file his complaints without an enabling law, so why do we have that law?

To my mind, one key question is at what point do ADA rights "excessively" abridge the right to freedom of speech or the right of people to assemble peaceably?  These are 1st amendment rights, and in the first half of the 20th century, the Supreme Court decided that they apply to state and local government too.  The world has changed since then, but FWIW I am including online assembly in my own thinking.  So, to what extent may the freedoms of speech and (online) assembly be burdened by requirements to accommodate various types and severities of disability? Also, to what extent, if any, do states and localities get to decide?  And flipping the coin, another key question may be the extent to which the courts might apply the equal protection clause (14th amendment) to the inclusion of disabled persons online?

I am not a lawyer, but these are complexities that occur to me, even from my amateur perch.  I have no doubt that a well trained attorney could complicate matters further.

The ADA was designed to protect the truly vulnerable in society. That is why it is distasteful to suggest visual impairment and shaving incompatible - it just carelessly, if unintentionally mean spirited.

However, society's interest in protecting the vulnerable does not entail an invitation for the disingenuous to feign remedy through a lawsuit solely generating income for the filing attorney without regard for redress of actual harm on behalf of the afflicted. Based on the pattern of behaviour of the filing attorney and his history, it would seem appropriate for court or bar to step into this imbroglio to make matters right.

Like most problems in the US, the issue isn't sloppy legislation, of which there is plenty but rather regulatory failure to provide oversight.

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(This post was last modified: 04-22-2023, 01:45 PM by bijou.)
For myself I'm sorry that TSN is no longer. One example for me is, I had posted some of my brushes and I would go back to TSN to refresh my memory on what knot I put in a handle. Now I have to reflect on this with a faulty memory (I have always put a note inside the brush box indicating handle and knot but at times I would kind of mix up brushes and boxes up bit). Example what DG knot I put into what handle (B1 in a WW, which Elite handle did I put a B5 into), I lost that reference.

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Vintage Shaver
Seattle, WA
(04-21-2023, 10:31 PM)bijou Wrote: For myself I'm sorry that TSN is no longer. One example for me is, I had posted some of my brushes and I would got back to TSN to refresh my memory on what knot I put in a handle. Now I have to reflect on this with a faulty memory (I have always put a note inside the brush box indicating handle and knot but at times I would kind of screw brushes and boxes up bit). Example what DG knot I put into what handle (B1 in a WW, which Elite handle did I put a B5 into), I lost that reference.

You might be able to find the Shave Nook pages by searching on the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine.

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