GlazedBoker As always great review and much appreciated your impressions. How does it compare to the other Timeless offerings like the Bronze 38/78 plates and I am unclear on how it differs from the 95 in terms of smoothness or efficiency ?

expert shaver
Panther's Stanley Cup Champs
My Slim OC Ti is so close (UPS) in town I can smell it

Morecolor, Matsilainen and GlazedBoker like this post
Just had my first shave with the SS Slim Head OC version. While I have learned to truly evaluate razors after much longer than one use, I was very happy with the results of today's shave. I prefer razor heads with thinner profiles and this Timeless certainly checked that box off. Although not the thinnest head on the market, the plate size was in my wheelhouse for sure. 

Gus's review (GlazedBoker) above was spot on. As Gus suggested, the OC version has significant blade feel. It did not, however, tear my face apart. Instead, the resulting shave was quite smooth and efficient. The angle was intuitive, and a light touch is all that is needed. 

I look forward to using this razor much more to better evaluate it, but it appears as if Timeless has another excellent product in its lineup.
[Image: K5RRxwv.jpg]

AQU, Rebus Knebus, ALI and 4 others like this post

I would love to know how the slim OC compares to the bronze OC

It's sharp and it cuts. I like it...
Northeast, USA
A quick rundown on today’s shave with both the Timeless Stainless Slim .50 vs. the Timeless Bronze .78 OC. Straight to the point, the Slim was smoother and more forgiving than the Bronze OC. Now, take that with a grain of salt as the Bronze is at a disadvantage in terms of it will inherently have more blade feel over the Slim .50. I’m sure that if the Slim was outfitted with it’s OC brother (which I’m considering to order as I don’t have it) the comparison would be closer to apples to apples rather than apples to oranges. That being said, both offer tremendously good blade feel with the Bronze feeling not as smooth and for lack of a better word, more harsh. With an experienced hand both deliver amazing 2 pass shaves with minor touch ups if necessary in achieving a BBS result. Ironically, I was quite surprised by both razor head dimensions as they are quite close in profile with the Slim being ever so slightly lower in in height from base plate to top cap. The weight is definitely on the Slim’s side as the Bronze is substantially heavier & cumbersome. In this shave I swapped out the SS Pineapple handle and used the shorter Ti handle on the Slim head and it was a marked improvement over yesterday’s shave in terms of balance, feel and just overall comfort with the Slim razor. Easier to wield and control on any part of my face. I feel as though the Slim matched the Bronze OC stroke for stroke in cutting efficiency with a noticeable increase in ease of use, smoothness and overall comfort. I’m not saying that the Timeless Slim is a piece of cake or a walk in the park in shave prowess as it still needs a light touch and good technique to maintain a fairly intuitive shave/cutting angle but, it’s easier to keep it there over the Bronze OC and it inspires a reinforced confidence that if you mind your P’s and Q’s it will deliver amazingly close and comfy shaves.

I do love them both but, in the end I think the Timeless Slim .50 is the perfect bridge between the .95 Ti/SS & Bronze OC .78. It gives one about 90% of the .95 smoothness with 95% of the Bronze OC .78 cutting efficiency. It’s a real sweet combo for blade feel lovers without sacrificing much in smoothness/comfort. Great shaver.....

[Image: q79Sb6C.jpg]
[Image: YXKkzVt.jpg]

g.marcio, Fedsbackhand, Dave in KY and 11 others like this post
Helpful to see the relative size of both razor heads, thanks. I'm interested to see how the bronze SB compares as well but do expect the slim to be more efficient.

ALI likes this post

It's sharp and it cuts. I like it...
Northeast, USA
(11-23-2020, 05:36 PM)Fedsbackhand Wrote: Helpful to see the relative size of both razor heads, thanks. I'm interested to see how the bronze SB compares as well but do expect the slim to be more efficient.

They are similar in height. But, the Bronze .38 SB would be substantially outgunned against the Slim .50. The Slim is just much more efficient in mowing down the whiskers to be honest.

Happy shaves....

ALI, Matsilainen and Fedsbackhand like this post
No surprise really. I'm sure you are right, to be fair I've not tried the bronze OC either.

ALI likes this post
Thanks for the reviews. I have the original SS .95 in SB, sold the OC .95 many moons ago. 

I also had and sold a Timeless Ti .95, but for some unknown reason (insanity?) I want another.

I'm betting that in Ti the head would be too light in a slim, so if I eventually get another it will be the standard base plate.

expert shaver
Panther's Stanley Cup Champs
The Ti OC Slim just arrived today. Frist use tomorrow morning.
[Image: 7tFTeNK.jpg]

george1906, GlazedBoker, AQU and 2 others like this post

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