
Super Moderator
San Diego, Cal., USA
(03-03-2016, 01:54 AM)NeoXerxes Wrote: Freddy lol! Maybe not better, but hopefully more useful since I plan to have a roundup with comparative "awards" for being the best in a category or having unique qualities.

Clearly these reviews are subjective, but sometimes it's interesting and helpful for people to see products ranked in a comparative fashion.

Stay tuned Big Grin!

(03-03-2016, 01:20 AM)NeoXerxes Wrote: Boingo which part?

Just a thought but he may be referring to your unhealthy obsession with CRSW as your past behavior clearly indicates. Had a little free time on my hands and I counted over 80 posts you have made in various CRSW threads in one particular forum before you even claimed to have purchased one of their soaps. In almost every single one of those 80 plus posts you made about CRSW, it was always a negative, oftentimes consisting of nothing more than quoting a negative posted by one of your buddies.

For the record, I think that both B&M and CRSW are top performing soaps. The soaps being produced by both of these fine companies is extremely high quality and one could be happy with either OR both.
(This post was last modified: 03-03-2016, 02:22 AM by SharpSpine.)
(03-03-2016, 01:26 AM)NeoXerxes Wrote: Tom Slick I know, right? Drag me out behind the shed and put me down, but I'm not a fan of a soap that we are all ordered to love lest we be exiled by Big Brother. Actually, given the high praise by many in the community, I was honestly expecting to be blown away by Oliva in particular. Nope.

They're decent - even good - but nowhere near the level that the reputation might suggest. Others seem to love them, which is just fine, though for me they're middle market products.

I've yet to see a lather picture of Olivia that didn't look airy, even like aerosol canned foam.

Disclaimer: I've not bought any CRSW, but have seriously considered it. The lather shots I've seen though (especially from highly experienced shavers), have greatly deterred me.
>>> Brian <<<
Happy beeps, buddy! Happy beeps!
stormtrooper well it appears that the claim of bias against CRSW has (hilariously) followed me from another forum. "Unhealthy obsession", really? As if I haven't posted on hundreds of other products lol.

Pray tell, why am I so biased against CRSW? Surely you must have some explanation for this supposed bias? And if I were so utterly biased that I spend all my time bashing the soap, why did I describe it as a good product above (albeit without fawning over it - it honestly didn't impress me)?

When I was accused of this elsewhere, dozens of members laughed at the accusation and said so in private messages across multiple forums. It was obviously a ridiculous claim because I had reviewed and discussed at length and in detail plenty of other products, both positively and negatively, and yet this was the only brand that generated any controversy.

Perhaps you should use that free time for something more serious and productive than counting posts and making ridiculous (not to mention rude and unsubstantiated) accusations of bias.

My credibility speaks for itself.

SharpSpine likes this post
SharpSpine the lather isn't as creamy as others I have tried (like Mystic Water for instance), but it can be whipped up just fine and works well. For an olive oil soap (if that's something that has special appeal), it doesn't have any issues with the lather - bubbles or not, it's one of those soaps that will shave without issue.

Problem is, it doesn't stand out for me since performance isn't special relative to other products that I've tried, and because the concept of an olive oil appeal doesn't have a particular appeal. It's the best of the 3 scents that I've tried, so in that regard it would be the one to try from the line. Needless to say, I won't be buying a full tub.

It might get me unjustly accused of bias for saying so,
but Barrister & Mann has better quality scents in my estimation.

SharpSpine likes this post
While I'm sure you have the support of many certain fans, you were and still are the subject of ridicule by scores of good and honest people not just across forums but also on the FB groups. You have given yourself entirely too much credit. Even to the most casual observer it's incredibly apparent.
I have crsw v2 Spiced Amber. It is a fine quality soap and does ALL that I ask from a soap really well. Plus the scent is really nice.I don't really get into comparative analysis between soap makers. If all can think about with the person you are sleeping with is how they compare to someone else are sleeping with, then you really have no chance to enjoy the experience. All of these soap makers have different approaches and most, in my experience, are worth trying in my opinion. My hands down favorite soap is Tabac. But I don't compare any of the artisan soaps I use to Tabac. The case can be made that some are better and some are worse, for this reason or that....geez, whatever already. Hey, why not just focus on the enjoyment of being able to play the field and bask in the afterglow of your latest acquisition, regardless of who made it? Just sayin.

NeoXerxes likes this post
Unless you are the lead dog, the view never changes...

Super Moderator
San Diego, Cal., USA
Okay, gents, let's tone it down, please.  stormtrooperwhat NeoXerxes may or may not have stated on other forums about a product really has nothing to do with what he states here at DFS.  If you disagree with him, and that is certainly your right, you needn't bring him down.  Simply and politely rebut his points.  It's okay to agree to disagree but one can take the high road doing it.

I have never tried CRSW soaps so have absolutely no bias one way or the other.  I have probably seen more positive than negative reviews and, even here, NeoXerxes isn't really trashing the product so much as saying he has others he likes better.  I think that is something most of us wet shavers could say about our various products. Winking

wyze0ne, beamon, NeoXerxes and 1 others like this post
You're wrong stormtrooper, I give myself no credit at all. I don't want fans, nor do I have any. I write because I enjoy the process of analysis and of discussing products politely with fellow enthusiasts, which is evidently something that you don't seem to understand judging by your unwarranted attacks. All over my opinion of a soap. Does that make you feel important?

So go on. Laugh away with your friends. If these folks are the sort of people that laugh at others for not agreeing with their opinion regarding a shaving product, I have no use for any them (to paraphrase TSE), however important and superior that they judge themselves to be. But I will say that "good and honest" people don't have anything to prove in my experience, nor do they require that others believe exactly as they do.

It's just soap my friend, and as I've always said, YMMV, IMHO, etc. If you don't like my opinion and reviews, tough. You'll get over it, but you won't shut them down.

When you joined DFS, I welcomed you with open arms. Knowing what I know now about your particular beliefs and biases regarding my character, I'd do exactly the same thing. I don't let disagreements over a soap color my impressions of a man.

But surely you should be able to discuss a product without impugning my character and making unsubstantiated accusations? I'd welcome that discussion, as opposed to that rubbish above that will be forever immortalized in these pages.
(This post was last modified: 03-03-2016, 03:02 AM by NeoXerxes.)
LegalEagle1 that's exactly my point lol. I enjoy plenty of soaps that others don't, and vice versa. We all have our own tastes and requirements, which I believe I acknowledged somewhere on page 1 of this thread. I think that's a wonderful thing for our community, and I have never claimed my opinions to be objective.

But the issue here is that some folks are trying to bully others because they don't offer a certain soap their highest marks. A ridiculous and utterly pointless endeavor, in my opinion.

For me though, comparative analysis is very helpful. That's how I make selections and generate opinions.

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