It seems that Canadian singer-songwriter, Gordon Lightfoot passed away at the age of 84.  I knew he was ailing, so it's not a surprise, but it still affects me that another of my favourite artists has left us. I am thankful for all the music he has left us. 

Here's one of his best songs:


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- Yohann

Veni, vidi, vici
Vault 111
R.I.P. Gordon.
Brought me lots of musical pleasure over the years.

TobyC likes this post
Shaving since 1971; enjoying my shaves since 2014
A che bel vivere, che bel piacere, per un barbiere di qualità! Happy2
Love his music. Took my son and his wife to a Lightfoot concert in Portland about 20 years ago. I have lots of his music in my Sonos library. After I finish writing this I'm going to go listen to "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald".

Idaho Falls, Idaho
Lightfoot was a staple of my teen years.

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