Never had anything but smooth close shaves from my polished Mongoose. Really shines for me with a lighter handle.
(I think I know who No.1 is!)
(02-14-2016, 09:06 PM)onethinline Wrote: Just had my third shave with the Mongoose. I ended up using a new Feather Pro since I was clumsily fiddling with the razor earlier and dropped the other one on the ground. Blah. But! This shave went better, for sure. Still not problem-free (a cluster of weepers along one side of my jaw, some roughness on part of my neck), but definitely an improvement. Here's what I focused on:
- a wetter lather, more what I hear straight razor shavers like
- stretching my skin as I would for a straight
- very light pressure
- longer strokes, as opposed to the short quick strokes I do with a DE
The longer strokes seemed to help the blade remain stable through tougher whiskers, whereas the quick-short strokes introduced more skipping and chatter. Seems that the combination of smooth stability but with a light touch is what I need to master here. As well as figuring out how to handle the part of my neck where the hair grows horizontally.
This definitely seems like one of those skills-required razors, as opposed to something forgiving and intuitive (which is what I'm expecting from the OneBlade).