For some context
I was a Copenhagen user since the 90s. Over the last 25 yrs I have quit in spurts as long as 3-4 yrs, but always pick it up again. The last time I quit, I actually was hooked on the gum for almost 6 months before I quit. (really, the doc just refused to issue me any more) So back in May I quit again. Now that I am retired Copenhagen was starting to get pricey for me, and I started buying the Stoker's bulk tubs of snuff that hold about 10-12 cans worth. When I realized I was going through that stuff too fast I knew I had to do something. When I quit I got the gum again, but decided to take the edge off with Camel snus after lunch and again after dinner. It made the gum last longer and was at least a step down from the snuff I was using.

I knew the Camel snus is heavy on the sugar. I remember reading about the Swedish snus a while back and how it differs from the American snus. I picked up a can of it and it's pretty good stuff. I am down to 1 piece of gum and about 3 pouches a day. Of course I did a little research and there are no studies of people on Nicorette gum getting Cancer, but I think we can agree its less than those on pure snuff. The snus studies are more positive. Some are funded by the snus companies themselves so we know those are tainted. But those that arent, are far more positive that smoking or snuff. In Sweden, snus is governed as a food item so the levels of carcinogens are far less than the tobacco products we use in the US. While I am not purely clear of this addiction, this may be a healthier direction, along with the social stigma of using snuff in social settings (as opposed to being alone with the livestock in the pasture).

I think the coolest part of this adult indulgence, now that I have scratched the surface, are the wide variety of snus products online. Think back to the first time you decided to look for a soap other than VDH or Williams and you realized the wide world of soaps out there you have yet to try and sample. Thats how I feel now when looking at the different brands and flavors of snus available online.

So if you have a a favorite or want to recommend a brand, I am open to suggestions.
I've been using Swedish snus for years.

Used to be cheap. Like way less than $2.00 a can with dirt cheap shipping. Then the PACT act. No more Indian reservation cigarettes, and adult signature only delivery, pre paid tax at the vendor.

I usually order $200 worth of snus a couple of times a year.

Shipping is like $35 whether you buy 1 can or 50 cans. UPS and an adult has to sign for it.

I like the strong snus. General Extra Strong is nice. G3 regular portion and white portion are good too. Nick and Johnny is very good. I tend to buy what's on sale honestly. Some brands give me heartburn. There's something in Goatesburg Rapé that gives me migraines too.

Thunder is a nice one. Less expensive but still good. The portions are larger.

The Lab series is excellent. Rarely on sale.
My favorites are number 6, 5, and 2. The portions are longer and skinnier but are full size otherwise.

I used to like Skruf but they sold out around 2008 or so and changed the recipe. Not the same.

For Christmas there are special edition ones. Kardus is awesome. It's been like $50 though for about 5 cans worth of loose snus. It's usually handmade. Then there's the flavored stuff around the holidays like spiced cider and others. A lot of brands get in on it with small batches.

I use loose snus once in a while. I use portions all day though at work.

General is the standard brand and flavor all others are compared to. It's the oldest and most traditional flavor. Comes in several varieties itself. Made by Swedish Match. They make many of the more expensive varieties and brands as well as some of the less pricey ones. Ettan and Grov are very good. Ettan is very neutral tasting and is basically just tobacco and salt. Grov has hints of smoke and is also fairly natural without the spicey black pepper and bergamot that General is known for.

Knox is pretty decent. It's the lower tier of Skruf and is decent. Offroad is kind of weird to me. Odd flavors and no matter which one you try they all seem to have a common base with an odd flavor something like wax or vegetable oil.

Brands come and go.

I tend to pay attention to the grams per can and the nicotine content per portion after looking at the flavors I want.

I have been ordering from Snus Central lately. They have an email newsletter that always has an on sale selection that offers decent variety.

I used to hang out on SnusOn forum. Same username as here. It's not all dead, but it's not as active as it used to be. There's lot of great info there and reviews.

I'm just happy to not be paying $7 a pack for cigarettes. I still buy a can of Copenhagen now and then and even Red Man when I'm doing yard work. Will be picking up a pouch to rake leaves with.

Snus is all about harm reduction for me. I sincerely believe that it's a safer alternative to cigarettes or dip. It's pasteurized and not fermented usually. Much lower TSNs which are known carcinogens. It's not as pure as snow, but if you're a nicotine user I am not aware of a better way to get it.

Check out SnusOn.

There's lots of bloggers and YouTube's about it too.

I know you can buy it now at some shops state side, but when you order direct from Sweden you get the freshest and lowest cost.

Let me know if you have any questions about it. I went deep down this rabbit hole. I tried Chantix once and wouldn't recommend that to anyone. Quitting is best, but if you have to have tobacco, go with real Swedish snus!

olschoolsteel likes this post
Shave yourself.
bakerbarber ,
Just made an order through snus central. Shipping to my place was 46 bucks so this may be cost prohibitive to me in the future, depending I guess on how much I enjoy the different types, coming straight from the source. Thanks for the advice and pointers.

I justified my order as I havent made any major shaving purchases since at least last summer. I had to catch up on my spending Smile

User 1137 and bakerbarber like this post

Rio Rico, Arizona
Wow! I've been a snuff guy myself for a couple of years since cigars and pipe tobacco has gotten so expensive And unobtainable. Toque and 6 photo being my favs right now.

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bakerbarber likes this post
"It's all ball bearings, hey!" - Fletch
I ordered at the beginning of January and that was how much shipping was then for me too. Signature confirmation from Sweden is $$$$.

I normally do the math and average the cost per can. I'm still below the price of chew and the local price for snus at a gas station. It's been a while since I paid attention to what cigarettes cost locally but I'm sure I can get two or three cans of snus for what a pack of smokes costs.

Here's a picture of my last snus delivery.
Almost 80 cans.

[Image: qa4yP4V.jpg]

I believe it was around $2.90 per can. I go through about 5 cans a week.

User 1137 and Ramjet like this post
Shave yourself.
(03-05-2017, 10:30 PM)bakerbarber Wrote: I ordered at the beginning of January and that was how much shipping was then for me too. Signature confirmation from Sweden is $$$$.

I normally do the math and average the cost per can. I'm still below the price of chew and the local price for snus at a gas station. It's been a while since I paid attention to what cigarettes cost locally but I'm sure I can get two or three cans of snus for what a pack of smokes costs.

Here's a picture of my last snus delivery.
Almost 80 cans.

[Image: qa4yP4V.jpg]

I believe it was around $2.90 per can. I go through about 5 cans a week.

Not sure how you store those, but if you keep them in the freezer, they will stay good forever. The fridge screws them up and makes them crunchy.

Rio Rico, Arizona
Fridge has too much humidity. The freezer pulls the moisture to the top and then freezes. I would say once you do pull out of freezer, it has to remain out. Or you get really wilted and defeated tobacco.

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User 1137 likes this post
"It's all ball bearings, hey!" - Fletch
I haven't noticed any adverse effect from refreezing. But since I don't snus like I used to, I usually only take one out at a time and leave the tin in the freezer.

Ramjet likes this post
I don't freeze mine anymore. The vacuum sealer broke. They just keep better now anyway. They all mostly changed to thicker plastic labels that are sealed pretty good. I just toss them in a drawer.

They would dry out in the fridge or freezer without being sealed up in a Tupperware or Ziploc bag. I don't bother. Haven't noticed any ill effects.

When I do come across a can that's a bit too dry I dribble a little whiskey on it. Pop the lid back on and come back to it the next day. Better than new.

Ramjet and User 1137 like this post
Shave yourself.

Rio Rico, Arizona
Just had a sniff of Toque Coltsfoot. Lightly floral and good tobacco burn in the back. Great springtime nasal snuff! I keep it in an old cigar case and in a cupboard. Its kept well all these months and the tin can it resides fits well in my pocket during the day at work.

bakerbarber and User 1137 like this post
"It's all ball bearings, hey!" - Fletch

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