
Home of the Spud Potato
Friday SOTD
[Image: XA4LZ6s.jpg]

Razor: OneBlade GENESIS
Blade: Feather FHS-10 (1)
Brush: Simpson Duke 3 Silvertip
Bowl: Corbell Pedestal 4"
Pre-Shave Scrub: PAA Iced Enigma Machine Cube 2.0
Pre-Shave Oil: Saponificio Varesino
Shave Soap: Saponificio Varesino 70th Anniversary
Butter: Saponificio Varesino Puro Burro di Karitè
Aftershave: Saponificio Varesino 70th Anniversary

Calm_Shaver, HighSpeed, Spectre and 8 others like this post

North Texas
Friday, March 14, 2025 - Shave of the Day
[Image: G3sfuFN.jpeg]
Brush  ||  Maggard
Soap  ||  Sir Henry's Island Estate
Razor  ||  Stirling Stainless DE / Wizamet Super Iridium (3)
Post  ||  Alum Block / Witch Hazel
A/S  ||  Sir Henry's Island Estate

Calm_Shaver, Polovez, HighSpeed and 9 others like this post
(This post was last modified: 11 hours ago by Lesser. Edited 1 time in total.)
Brush:  Rudy Veye / Muhle STF
Soap:  Acqua di Parma Barbiere
Razor:  Tatara Amakuni
Blade:  Kai Captain
Aftershave:  Acqua di Parma Tonico
Sent:  Prisma Citron

Today, changed up the Amakuni from the Kai Premium Guard to the unguarded and sharper Kai Captain.  Shave was still easy and the result was a BBS (no red anywhere).  As an every-day shaver, I usually don't want BBS shaves -- DFS is usually what I want and keeps my skin from feeling over-shaven -- but it is good 
for knowing when I want to get that close a shave that it's easily done.

[Image: xtS1ni2.jpeg]

Dave in KY, canpo1907, primotenore and 10 others like this post

gone to Carolina in my mind
[Image: o2njzHE.jpeg]
Brush .... Chisel and Hound
Soap ..... Vernal Equinox (Kodiak) (Murphy & McNeil + Black Mtn Collab)
Razor .... Bronze Alpha Spirit
Blade .... Kai ProTouch MG
Post ..... Witch Hazel w/alcohol
Post ..... Pitralon Pure Splash
Finish ... Azzaro Pour Homme EDT

Rebus Knebus, Spectre, Razorboy and 9 others like this post
Technique Trumps Tools
Skin Care Trumps Skin Repair

Be Cool, be Kind, and be Well
--  Mike --

(This post was last modified: 9 hours ago by Vittoria. Edited 1 time in total.)
Thursday Afternoon 13/03/25

Razor : Yaqi Ghost TI 90 DC. (safety bar/open comb) "open comb side"
Blade : Feather Hi-Stainless.(1)
Brush : Yaqi Caramel Cat Whiskers synthetic.
Soap : Noble Otter Orbit.
Balm : T.N. Dickinson's Witch Hazel.
Razor weight : 58 grams.
Hi all,
Good after work shave yesterday and the first meaningful rain this year.
I shaved with the Ghost TI 90 on the open comb side and in my opinion I like it better on the
safety bar side.
Just to be clear the previous shave was 2 days growth yesterday was 3 days growth.
I felt the razor didn't shave as efficiently with the open comb side, sometimes it can take a few shaves
to dial in the angle on an open comb.
The hybrid plate design was the main reason I wanted to add this razor to my small modern razor line up.
1 pass WTG/ATG and a few touch ups done.

I really enjoyed the Noble Otter Orbit the scent is very nice as was the fresh feeling after the shave a little like
Proraso green on the face but the scent has more going on.

I hope you all enjoy the coming weekend the footy is back! (AFL) for me.  Happy2

[Image: IMG-9476.jpg]

Polovez, canpo1907, Spectre and 9 others like this post
Here comes the sun.

Posting Freak
Saint Petersburg . Russia
[Image: 5H1w7iO.jpeg]

canpo1907, primotenore, n-doc and 6 others like this post
Wald Nimbus A1 29 mm Goldvein 2.0/Aion Skincare Optimus Pomp Shaving Soap/Atelier Durdan La Faulx en Titane Medium +/Schick Proline/Aion Skincare Pomp Aftershave Splash

[Image: ouKLNoL.jpeg]

Spectre, Razorboy, primotenore and 3 others like this post

Balikesir, Turkey
(This post was last modified: 4 hours ago by canpo1907.)
TGIF Shave...

Wishing everyone good health and a great day to all...

1963 Gillette French Tech, Gillette Platinum, Yaqi Ocean brush, Nivea Men Sensitive shave cream&balsam, Nivea Men Ultra splash...
[Image: 5fee6ded9e80931dccb1fa672a3441a1.jpg]

RMX3710 cihazımdan Tapatalk kullanılarak gönderildi

Razorboy, primotenore, Spectre and 1 others like this post

:: Edwin Jagger DE89, Barley, Astra (# 22) :: Yaqi Sagrada Família, Synthetic fibers :: Razorock, XX :: Biotherm :: Brut

[Image: EEgsCAp.jpg]


:: Mühle R89, Astra (# 23) :: Semogue Torga C5, Finest Badger :: Saponificio Varesino, Dolomiti :: Biotherm :: Saponificio Varesino, Felce aromatica

[Image: V1HJ7ut.jpg]


Spectre, Dave in KY and primotenore like this post
Blutt BR-1 1.20
Schick Platinum
Oumo Lighthouse ST2
Proraso Barbe Dure

[Image: 75-D58254-6991-4-C4-A-9-A5-A-07-DED07-C0-F56.jpg]

Dave in KY, primotenore and Spectre like this post

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