
Gatineau, QC, Canada
[Image: liLXg8E.jpeg][Image: iUFln3s.jpeg]

Noire, SgtCrppls, Spectre and 9 others like this post
"Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value."

  - Albert Einstein

Veni, vidi, vici
Vault 111
​​Sunday, February 9
[Image: gsxF39k.jpeg]
ETHOS Lavender Suprême~~Plisson 16~~Gustave Lalune~~Gucci Pour Homme (1976)
Have a great day!

Lazar, SCShaver, Vittoria and 14 others like this post
Shaving since 1971; enjoying my shaves since 2014
A che bel vivere, che bel piacere, per un barbiere di qualità! Happy2

I've been scaled. I'm smooth now.
Preshave: Hot shower
Soap/Shave cream: Stirling Soap Bergamot Lavender
Brush: Maggard 24mm
Razor: 1940's Gillette Super Speed
Blade: Gillette Perma-Sharp (2)
Post shave: Pinaud Clubman

[Image: i-mGm5jks-X2.jpg]

Razorboy, Spectre, Noire and 12 others like this post

Razor: Blackbird
Brush: Rudy Vey with Shavemac 2-band fan knot

[Image: Xn5xbeD.jpeg]

GlazedBoker, Polovez, SgtCrppls and 13 others like this post

Posting Freak
9 February 2025

* Blackbird Black Oxide
* Super Iridium
* Chubby 2 Synthetic Sapphire
* MacDuff's Spring Cabin
* Unrefined Shea Butter
* Bergamot/Vetiver EO

[Image: 4p43pJ.jpg]

gregcss, GlazedBoker, SgtCrppls and 13 others like this post
Love, Laughter & Shaving  Heart

Razor 1: Merkur Progress 510
Razor 2: Ming Shi 5000S
Blade: 2x Derby Extra, both #1
Shaving brush: Alexander Simpson LE Centenary Duke 3, Platinum Fibre, Faux Emerald
Shaving Soap: Ethos Grooming Essentials Chill Collection Watermelon Mint
After Shave: Saponificio Varesino Manna di Sicilia Aftershave

[Image: 0fmSi2G.jpeg]

Noire, GlazedBoker, primotenore and 13 others like this post

It really IS all about that bass.
9 February, 2025

Hello everyone! Hope you had a pleasant evening.

Williams Mug Soap Challenge: Day 9

Great shave this morning. Great lather built with the Semogue SOC Premium Boar brush for two passes (plus touch-up) with the '58 Gillette Super Speed, and I finished with a splash of Quinn's Pink Grapefruit & Orange Rind witch hazel, followed by vintage Avon "Bay Rum" aftershave lotion, a dusting of Clubman talc and Murray and Lanman "Florida Water".

Hope you have a great day. Smile

Williams / Semogue / Gillette / Wizamet / Quinn's / Avon / Clubman / Murray and Lanman

[Image: 6N8zPnK.jpeg]

Noire, Rebus Knebus, primotenore and 13 others like this post
U.S. Navy Veteran

"There isn't much that a great shave and hot cup of coffee can't fix"
Brush: Black Eagle “Cheetah “ 25mm HT2, Covid 2020
Blade: Perma Sharp
Soap: Ethos “Vanilla Safi “ F Base
Razor: WR2 Ti SB 1.25 w/ Timeless Ti Crown  Handle

This is one of if not the best setup I have, it is definitely my most expensive setup.

[Image: MOJ6AnY.jpeg]

Spectre, Razorboy, Dave in KY and 12 others like this post
Wolfman WR1 0.54 DC
Shick Platinum
Oumo Lighthouse ST2
Barrister and Mann Lavanille
Zingari Sego Balm

[Image: DA1-B0-C43-E96-D-4-A87-91-CA-398-DB877866-F.jpg]

gregcss, Polovez, Whiterook and 12 others like this post
A&E Kaizen 
Crazy Badger w/DG B9B
Wolfman Guerrilla 2017 on Hempel TI barber pole
A&E Kaizen splash
Luxurious Bastard “Sweet Bastard” beard oil
YSL La Nuit De L’Homme Bleu Electrique
[Image: nl2Sv2l.jpeg]

Polovez, Lazar, Calm_Shaver and 12 others like this post

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