Saturday 02.15.20 SOTD

[Image: DNoux95.jpg]

Shugar Soapworks Oatmeal & Verbena Soap lather and rinse
Gillette 1969 O4 Flare Tip Super-Speed coated black handle
Personna Platinum Chrome Israeli Red (2)
Mr. PB24BA-04 Pure Badger
Fine Platinum Shave Soap
Fine Platinum Classic After Shave

[Image: 8aizbzg.jpg]

Dave in KY, Calm_Shaver, Marko and 15 others like this post

Rome - Italy
[Image: cxDvsew.jpg]Epsilon 27mm Horse Hair 
Meißner tremonia Strong ‘n scottish 
Snailforge Sheffield Replica in Wootz 
Big Peat Islay blended malt scotch whisky

Polovez, Rebus Knebus, smurfups77 and 14 others like this post
Wolfman WR2 Timeless ti handle
Astra superior platinum
Gillette Pure shave cream
Semogue SOC finest badger
Nivea post shave balm
Clubman brandy spice aftershave

NJDJ, alfredus, Marko and 5 others like this post

Hondo TX USA
Prep: Warm Shower-Stirling Sandpiper
Soap: Bulgari Man in Black (2nd Puck)
Razor: Vintage Gillette NEW Long Comb
Blade: Vintage Gillette “Spoiler” Super Stainless (5)
Brush: RazoRock/Zenith Chubby Extra Silvertip-21mmx56mm
Aftershave: Bulgari Man in Black EdT
WTG-XTG-ATG (adjusted angles for my beard)
Bulgari Man in Black today. 20 seconds to load the RazoRock/Zenith Chubby Extra Silvertip brush. Easy, thick, slick, lather. Gillette “Spoiler” SS in the Gillette NEW Long Comb. Excellent smooth, close, shave. I finished with Bulgari Man in Black EdT.
[Image: 49534286902_63ed49f3a2_c.jpg]

clint64, Sun777, celestino and 15 others like this post
Razor: Guillermo Hoppe 6/8
Strop: Tony Miller & Mastro Livi
Brush: Simpsons Emperor 3 super
Pre-shave: Castle Forbes
Soap: Institute Karite
Balm: Castle Forbes lavender
Finale: Pinaud Clubman

[Image: Pn2hLk1.jpg]

HighSpeed, Michael P, Rebus Knebus and 12 others like this post

Just Here for the Shaves
Williamsburg, KY
Saturday February 15, 2020
2020 Shave # 49 ( 467 Consecutive Shaves )
Razor: Blackland Vector
Blade: Feather Pro (3)
Brush: Rubberset 400
Soap: Zingari Man The Soloist (Sample)
Aftershave 1: Humphrey's Alcoholado Maravilla 70
Aftershave 2: Clubman Whiskey Woods
Fragrance: PdP #63
[Image: 3DGt3gn.jpg]

Jgreenepa, Calm_Shaver, Marko and 16 others like this post
This post by Dave in KY mentions views and opinions expressed and makes it known that they are "those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of DFS or any other member, agency, organization, employer or company."  Big Grin

Philadelphia, PA, USA
[Image: OP49pTp.jpg]
SOTD 02/15/20

The mantra in the 30 Day Concentration (30DC) thread at The Shave Den (TSD) is “technique trumps tools”. My concentration this month has been the daily use of MWF. After discovering my grail razor (LaResche 51) and experiencing 7 consecutive,bloodless, irritation-free BBS shaves, I’vealso noticed that my face and dome surfacesappear shiny, soft and well-hydrated. Twoshaves with the LaResche 77 yielded much the same result albeit with some minimal heat. So I asked myself, if soap used is partof our technique, how much of my shave results should I attribute to the daily use ofmy favorite soap? 

To test this theory I decided to use my 115 yr old Gillette Single Ring. This old girl’snickname is “The Weeper Maker”. She always delivers a very close shave, but I’ve never escaped without at least one weeper. In order to maintain at least the semblance of consistency, I loaded the same blade I’vebeen using, a Wizamet Super Iridium, a relatively sharp and smooth blade from my remaining stash of 200 original Polish blades. 

The Viking Silvertip Badger brush generated its usual thick MWF paste. Thispaste was applied to the shaving surfaces and then face and head lathered with sufficient amounts of warm water over the prior scrub of the those surfaces with PAA’sCube Preshave Soap. 

I then picked up “The Weeper Maker” and launched into the first WTG pass. She sang through that first whisker reduction with aplomb. A careful examination afterwardsrevealed no blood on either dome or noggin. I relathered and completed my second XTG pass with no blood and someminimal roughness in the usual spots - theAdam’s Apple and the middle of the back ofmy head. 

Now I asked myself, should I tempt fate? I decided to only lather the two rough spots for some ATG buffing. I proceeded gentlyand carefully to bloodlessly eliminate the roughness. A check with the alum blockupon completion yielded some slightstinging in the back of the head and noirritation at all around the troublesome Adam’s Apple! Unbelievable! More powerto MWF! I feeclean, smooth and refreshed!

RAZOR: Gillette Single Ring 1905 Vintage 
BLADE: Wizamet Super Iridium 
PREP: Cold water rinse followed by a scrub with PAA’s Preshave Cube Soap 
BRUSH: Viking Silvertip Badger 
SOAP: Mitchell’s Wool Fat 
POSTSHAVE: Cold water wash with brushsqueezings followed by Thayers LavenderWH and finished with Fine AccoutrementsLavender Pour Homme AS Splash

NJDJ, celestino, Polovez and 12 others like this post

Atlanta, GA
February 15, 2020
Rex Ambassador
Gillette 7 O’clock Black
Mr EE #4 with Maggard SHD
TOBS Mr. Taylors Shave Cream
Dominica Grand Bay Rum

[Image: IMG_7908-XL.jpg]

Jgreenepa, NJDJ, ANG69 and 15 others like this post

Veni, vidi, vici
Vault 111
Saturday, February 15
[Image: wlP1BzI.jpg]
Eufros Sandalwood~~Simpson 3 "Chubby"~~Heijestrand MK32~~Cigar Aficionado AS
Have a great day!

GlazedBoker, NJDJ, celestino and 12 others like this post
Shaving since 1971; enjoying my shaves since 2014
A che bel vivere, che bel piacere, per un barbiere di qualità! Happy2
  • awesome shave
  • [Image: b35D3kb.jpg]

Dave in KY, Marko, clint64 and 9 others like this post

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