Friday AM 2016-05-13
Helen Chen suribachi
Rooney 3/3 Ebony Finest (26mm/67mm)
Ralph Lauren Safari shaving soap (tallow)
Feather AS-D2/Delta Echo iKon Bamboo
Perma-Sharp Super (7)
Ralph Lauren Safari aftershave (vintage)
A great shave. I have used only one Perma-Sharp Super blade, but based on my experience with it for a week, I would rate it equal to the Super Iridium in sharpness, smoothness, and durability. However, I still prefer the vintage Wilkinson Light Brigades.
Helen Chen suribachi
Rooney 3/3 Ebony Finest (26mm/67mm)
Ralph Lauren Safari shaving soap (tallow)
Feather AS-D2/Delta Echo iKon Bamboo
Perma-Sharp Super (7)
Ralph Lauren Safari aftershave (vintage)
A great shave. I have used only one Perma-Sharp Super blade, but based on my experience with it for a week, I would rate it equal to the Super Iridium in sharpness, smoothness, and durability. However, I still prefer the vintage Wilkinson Light Brigades.