SOTD - nice easy refreshing shave! That's a Mozingo Opal Pedestal ZT2 Smile
[Image: jwZlcML.jpg]

120inna55, Nico, jcmy53 and 14 others like this post
[Image: FRzKnhN.jpg]

Cream: Dettol(Indian).  I'm from India, which means I'm cheap and when I get 30% more free, I jump on it.
Brush:  Street vendor 17 mm boar brush from India
Razor:  Gillette Rhodium President
Blade:   Crystal Platinum day 1
AS:       Razorock Blue Fougere

Nico, clint64, celestino and 14 others like this post
Prep: Razorock pre barba
Bowl: Fine
Brush: Paladin
Soap: Razorock Santa Maria del Fiore
Razor: Sygus Extreme OC
Blade: Astra Superior Platinum
Post: Alum Rub
AS: Razorock Santa Maria del Fiore

[Image: SOTD-20200609.jpg]
Best Regards

clint64, Dave in KY, Rebus Knebus and 14 others like this post

Atlanta, GA
June 9, 2020
Supply Co V2 ●●
BSB-2 with 2 band Vie-Long Fan
Mike’s Orange, Cedarwood and Black Pepper
Fine Italian Citrus

[Image: IMG_8558-XL.jpg]

GlazedBoker, jluc, jcmy53 and 14 others like this post

Super Moderator
San Diego, Cal., USA
[Image: UxjWgFU.jpg]

GlazedBoker, celestino, Nico and 13 others like this post

It's sharp and it cuts. I like it...
Northeast, USA
Stirling 316L HA prototype & Gillette SP’s
Gray-dog 26mm 2 band Badger
LNHC Orange/Patchouli
LEA Classic after shave Locion
Guerlain Homme L’Eau Boisee 
[Image: OD8QEJh.jpg]

Nico, Andrei, Polovez and 13 others like this post

Philadelphia, PA, USA
[Image: UnTAx4S.jpg]

As the intro to certain Monty Python skits used to go, “now for something completely different!” As I was reorganizing my razors, I rediscovered where I had stowed away my 1959 Gold Plated British Gillette Rocket. An authority on British Gillette’s at TSD has assured me that I own the Presentation Set razor, minus all the goodies (case, instructions etc). I picked it up off EBay UK about 10 months ago and have only shaved with it a few times. So time to give it another run! It’s in excellent condition.

Nancy Boy Signature Shave cream with M-Bomb enhancement has become my focus this month! Another tub is on the way! In addition, their Cooling After-Shave Gel with matching Signature Scent along with Krampert’s Frostbite AS Splash were selected for today’s shave. The razor deserved another chance. I’ll state my position here; I don’t enjoy shaving with any Gillette razor after 1940. I have Fat Boys, Slims, and Black Beauties which belonged to family, but I rarely shave with them. My Rex Ambassador and Gibbs adjustables are preferred. 

So, back to the shave. In a nutshell, “meh”! I loaded a Nacet, which according to Refined Shavings’ metrics is the second sharpest razor blade after Feather. Didn’t matter! I’m just not a fan of any Gillettes manufactured after the New Deluxe. It’s the head geometry. Three pass shave (WTG, XTG, ATG), but that rounded head TTO geometry shared by the Super Speeds and adjustables just don’t do it for me! Besides, I prefer more exotic shave technology. I had a decent DFS shave, but I know this geometry leads to skin irritation if I push it. At least I feel clean and refreshed! The razor’s going back in the drawer with all the Gillette TTO razors.

RAZOR: British Gillette Gold Rocket
BLADE: Nacet
PREP: Cold water rinse 
BRUSH: Viking Silvertip Badger 
CREAM: Nancy Boy Signature 
POSTSHAVE: Cold water wash with Glyce Glycerin soap followed by Humphreys Lilac WH and Krampert’s Frostbite AS Splash. Finished with Nancy Boy Signature Scrnt After-Shave Gel.

ram57, clint64, Freddiep318ti and 13 others like this post

Home of the Spud Potato
 Wednesday SOTD
[Image: fsJ4DxF.jpg] 
Razor Ever-Ready 1924
Blade: Gem PTFE SS (D3)
Brush: Kent BLK4
Bowl: Supply Provision Marble 4.5"
Pre-Shave Scrub: MRGO Lime
Pre-Shave Butter: Mickey Lee Lime
Shave Cream: Truefitt & Hill West Indian Limes
Balm: C&E West Indian Lime
Aftershave: Captain’s Choice Lime

jluc, HighSpeed, Calm_Shaver and 14 others like this post

Cincinnati. Ohio
[Image: jdvmoKn.jpg]

Wednesday, 10 June, 2020:

RazoRock .84-P Game Changer
Rapira Platinum Lux
VP Leonhardy 
Ingram Shaving Cream
Chas. H. Baldwin & Sons Bay Rum 
Royall Rugby 


Dave in KY, Nico, clint64 and 14 others like this post
[Image: i7JuGYH.jpg]
Colonial Silversmith + Calypso handle // GSB (2) // JR Tuxedo Synth // Haslinger Schafmilch // Pre de Provence Balm

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