
Tur n shave fanchurian
Blackland blackbird
Red personna
Daisho rose triumph
[Image: H5MdkGF.jpg]

clint64, Jim Kleinkauf, zaclikestoshave and 20 others like this post
(04-06-2020, 01:59 PM)Marko Wrote:
(04-05-2020, 03:53 PM)Max Sprecher Wrote:
(04-05-2020, 02:25 PM)Michael P Wrote: Max Sprecher 7/8" Takefu
Barrister and Mann Sunny Lane
Hucklaration B2 Knot

 You're getting artistic Michael! Turning the tub so the label follows the flow of the spine  Big Grin. Awesome shave mio fratello   Happy2
Also the addition of the eyes is a nice touch Happy2

Thank you, Max and Marko.  Happy2

Total transparency: Max, that's the way the tub stopped rolling when I stood it up for the picture. I only noticed the spine being parallel to the label after you mentioned it. And yes, maestro, the shave was awesome.

Marko, those eyes came on the tub! Nice touch from Will, but they have to be at the top of the stack of tubs, because if you put soaps on top of it, they'll wobble.

zaclikestoshave, Rebus Knebus, Marko and 5 others like this post
All the best,

Michael P
Eufros Dama De Noche...one of the most beautiful fragrances on the market, and one of the best performing soaps in existence!



[Image: UkXkSG2.jpg][Image: wNZMh91.jpg][Image: kowhBUA.jpg]

Calm_Shaver, DeepSea, clint64 and 22 others like this post

Doctor Strange of Wetshaving
Forio d'Ischia, Naples, Italy
SOTD 20200406 Honey
by IschiaPP @ Forio
Liojuny Shaving "Tampa", Finest Badger 3-band, 23x54x114mm
Catie's Bubbles “Honey Noir” French+ Soap
Colonial Razors "The General V1", Aluminium 6061, Black Anodized B1, 44g, 50x96mm
KAI Industries Co. Ltd Captain “Titan Mild ProTouch MG" #15
Catie's Bubbles "Honey Noir" Toner *
#Shave #WetShaving #WetShavers
#ShaveOfTheDay #ShaveLikeaMan
*Not Displayed
[Image: uGY2cFc.jpg]

Polovez, Marko, gregcss and 24 others like this post
Where there is a great desire there can be no great difficulty - Niccolò Machiavelli & Me
Greetings from Ischia. Pierpaolo
(04-06-2020, 02:25 PM)Andrei Wrote: [Image: Q0hZHX9.jpg]

What a real pleasure to the eye is seeing the Serrano in your shaves. I am humbled and honored!

Greetings from Santa Rosa, CA

Andrei, zaclikestoshave, smurfups77 and 3 others like this post
(04-06-2020, 06:20 PM)Ols67 Wrote: Eufros Dama De Noche...one of the most beautiful fragrances on the market, and one of the best performing soaps in existence!



[Image: UkXkSG2.jpg][Image: wNZMh91.jpg][Image: kowhBUA.jpg]

Lovely shave and lovely presentation. Love the pen.

Greetings from Santa Rosa, CA

zaclikestoshave, Ols67, Calm_Shaver and 2 others like this post

Super Moderator
San Diego, Cal., USA
[Image: NH0fdOf.jpg]

GlazedBoker, Ols67, Nico and 19 others like this post

It's sharp and it cuts. I like it...
Northeast, USA
Occam’s SS DE/Gillette Platinum/APShave 28mm Silksmoke Winter/Esbjerg Grapefruit shave cream
Clubman Reserve Gent’s Gin after shave splash/YSL L’Homme Ultime Eau De Parfum 

[Image: IQ4M3A0.jpg]

Calm_Shaver, Michael P, ezcape49 and 17 others like this post

Atlanta, GA
April 6, 2020
Blackbird Brass SB
A&E “The City”
Fine Santal Absolut Aftershave

[Image: IMG_8285-XL.jpg]

ezcape49, Nico, Ols67 and 20 others like this post
(This post was last modified: 04-07-2020, 12:52 AM by Calm_Shaver.)
Tatara Nodachi
Rapira Platinum Lux (1)
JR 400type Boar
Declaration Grooming Yuzu/Rose/Patchouli
Thayers Rose WH
Floid Mentolado Suave
[Image: V5Kr50s.jpg]

120inna55, Polovez, GlazedBoker and 20 others like this post

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