Yates 921 H razor
Silver Blue (2)
Gillette Pure shave cream
Omega boar
Nivea balm
Clubman brandy spice aftershave

zaclikestoshave, Marko, alfredus and 8 others like this post

Just Here for the Shaves
Williamsburg, KY
Monday April 6, 2020
2020 Shave # 102 ( 518 Consecutive Shaves )
Razor: 1960 Gillette Fatboy
Blade: Wizamet (?)
Brush: Stuart w/Maggard Synthetic
Soap: CBL Soaps Fresh Vetiver
Aftershave 1: Humphrey's Alcoholado Maravilla 70
Aftershave 2: Nivea 2 into 1
Fragrance: Tom Ford Grey Vetiver
[Image: i9f1QzD.jpg]

Lbkindy, Michael P, Ols67 and 20 others like this post
This post by Dave in KY mentions views and opinions expressed and makes it known that they are "those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of DFS or any other member, agency, organization, employer or company."  Big Grin

Posting Freak
(04-05-2020, 03:53 PM)Max Sprecher Wrote:
(04-05-2020, 02:25 PM)Michael P Wrote: Max Sprecher 7/8" Takefu
Barrister and Mann Sunny Lane
Hucklaration B2 Knot

 You're getting artistic Michael! Turning the tub so the label follows the flow of the spine  Big Grin. Awesome shave mio fratello   Happy2
Also the addition of the eyes is a nice touch Happy2

clint64, HighSpeed, zaclikestoshave and 3 others like this post

[Image: Q0hZHX9.jpg]

Jim Kleinkauf, DeepSea, ezcape49 and 21 others like this post

Veni, vidi, vici
Vault 111
Monday, April 6
[Image: Ivm6Bd5.jpg]
Acqua di Parma~~Simpson~~2011 Mühle R41/Sharp Star
Have a great week!

GlazedBoker, celestino, Polovez and 17 others like this post
Shaving since 1971; enjoying my shaves since 2014
A che bel vivere, che bel piacere, per un barbiere di qualità! Happy2

A True Yo-Yo
Repost in proper thread.

[Image: H6fRuIn.jpg]

Sun777, celestino, Polovez and 19 others like this post

Cincinnati. Ohio
[Image: 2suJGcd.jpg]

Monday, April 06, 2020:

RazoRock German 37 Slant
Rapira Platinum Lux
Plisson HMW
Martin de Candre Original
Myrsol Agua Balsamica
PAA Mysterium Serum Balm


Dave in KY, Michael P, Andrei and 18 others like this post

Posting Freak
Putting this thread at the top as a few folks have been posting in last week's thread. Smile

gregcss, clint64, fmalpartida and 4 others like this post
Love, Laughter & Shaving  Heart

Vintage Shaver
Seattle, WA
Monday AM 2020-04-06

Rooney 3/3 Porcelain Finest (26/59)
Crabtree & Evelyn Sweet Almond Oil shaving cream (vintage)
Wolfman WR1-OC/WRH7
Schick Plus Platinum (5)
RazoRock R-160 Sweet Almond aftershave balm
[Image: Jj7HOGb.jpg]

Dave in KY, Rebus Knebus, HighSpeed and 18 others like this post

Philadelphia, PA, USA
[Image: LZ8uaCL.jpg]
SOTD 04/06/2020

I’ve decided to spend several of the next few shaves focusing on my new Colonial General. I used a Feather Super in my first three shaves with this razor, and have been very pleased with the performance. My regular goto blade for my AC razor’s is a Schick Proline. The only thing about the Feather Super I've not been so pleased with has been the tugging I experienced near the end of my third shave, despite palm stropping the blade after every shave. Using the same palm stropping method I was able to achieve 28 shaves on a Schick Proline blade in my Blackland Vector.

With this in mind I loaded a Proline in the new General for today’s shave. I began my shave with my usual cold water rinse. In keeping with the monthly theme at the 30DC at TSD, I then grabbed a neglected stick of Arko shave soap, applied it to my face and noggin, and proceeded to generate a decent protective lather by face and head lathering the applied soap into a rich yogurty covering. The General is a heavier razor than the Vector, but I found that first WTG pass to be comparable to the Vector, but not as close as the shaves achieved by the Feather Super on the initial pass.

Given that experience, and always seeking the BBS, I chose to pursue a three pass shave today. The Proline held true for my second XTG pass after lathering up again, being especially careful not to reopen the three nicks on my right cheek following my brief Nacet adventure with the Rex Ambassador yesterday. The third ATG pass left me with a very acceptable DFS++. There remained a slight bit of roughness around yesterday’s nicks which I allowed to give the nicked areas some healing. As non-mentholated shaves go, this one was more than acceptable, and left me feeling clean and decently smooth.

RAZOR: Colonial General V2
BLADE: Schick Proline
PREP: Cold water rinse 
BRUSH: Omega Pro48 Boar 
SOAP: Arko Shave Stick
POSTSHAVE: Cold water wash with brush squeezings followed by ThayersLavender WH and finished with Pre de Provence AS Balm with Shea Butter

Ivan Reis, gregcss, 120inna55 and 17 others like this post

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