SOTD: Feeling like this seahorse here in California - but a nice shave anyway Smile
[Image: jm24m2B.jpg]

jcmy53, Rebus Knebus, clint64 and 12 others like this post

Philadelphia, PA, USA

Another sub par face shave with a freshly honed vintage razor. My son shaved with it after honing it and claimed it passed some hair test with flying colors. He then stropped it on a pasted(?) strop and then on a leather one. I have no idea what the latter sentence means, but my son assured me it was as sharp as my Feather Barber’s razor. In any case I ended up with VBBS cheeks and a DFS neck, which I again cleaned up to VBBS level with the FrankenFamex.

A FB shave brother from down under mentioned that the maker of Suneko nanocoated blades had stopped producing them. They apparently succeeded in developing a blade coating as effective as the venerable Personna 74’s. I usually toss my DE blades after two uses, but my shave today was the 7th shave on this Suneko blade which is still going strong. Blades that last as long as these are clearly not as profitable, thus the shutdown. The blade sheared right through the noggin stubble and is still going strong. I’m glad I purchased as many as I did. My shave today left me cool, clean, and quite velveteen.

RAZOR: Lord 6/8 (Mug), FrankenFamex (Dome)
BLADE: Suneko DE (7)
PREP: Cold water rinse followed by a scrub with Rabid Banana Preshave Cube
BRUSH: Omega Pro48 Boar
SOAP: Mitchell’s Wool Fat w/ 6 drops of M-Bomb
POSTSHAVE: Cold water wash with brush squeezings followed by Humphreys Lilac WH and Osage Rub. Finished with Laura’s Tobacco & Bay Balm.

[Image: WqTuUTc.jpg]

120inna55, ram57, Marko and 9 others like this post
Fatip Lo Storto/Suneko (1). Yup that blade works too.[Image: 6ad6ab9d7a70a107fb5ea24e8c50db79.jpg]

Sent from my LG-US998 using Tapatalk

120inna55, jcmy53, celestino and 7 others like this post

Vintage Shaver
Seattle, WA
Thursday AM 2020-07-30
National Cheesecake Day
[Image: VIKTJck.gif]

Rooney Stubby 3XXL Ivory Finest (33/52)
Brooks Brothers shaving soap (vintage)
Carbon Shaving Mokume-gane Brass/R2
Wilkinson London Bridge (13)
Brooks Brothers aftershave

[Image: bhsXSWZ.jpg]

Polovez, jcmy53, GlazedBoker and 13 others like this post
This razor was manufactured by Wade and Butcher during the reign of King William sometime from 1830-1837, and it has some sort of bone scales.  The brush is a 32mm Shavemac. It was a very very spectacular shave!
[Image: WOTwCBg.jpg][Image: EwT5Mde.jpg][Image: CahlwMt.jpg][Image: s8nAXlV.jpg]

Polovez, clint64, GlazedBoker and 9 others like this post

Doctor Strange of Wetshaving
Forio d'Ischia, Naples, Italy
SOTD 20200730 SCHaDE
by IschiaPP @ Forio
The Grooming Co. AVAmix Sintético Gen4 24x52x95mm
Brut Classic
Creme de Barbear Tri-Guard Formula | Parfums Prestige Splash-On EDC Lotion
FrankenRazor Katana Light
(Yaqi Single Edge Cobbled Half DE (SCHaDE) / Yaqi RAC 1712 Halo Aluminium)
Personna Platinum Chrome Super Stainless #1
#Shave #WetShaving #WetShavers
#ShaveOfTheDay #ShaveLikeaMan
#ExtraShave #Disco #Tonight

[Image: 4dfnkML.jpg]

Full size:
Samba De Uma Nota So - Charlie Byrd and Stan Getz

jcmy53, celestino, Harry Lime and 8 others like this post
Where there is a great desire there can be no great difficulty - Niccolò Machiavelli & Me
Greetings from Ischia. Pierpaolo
[Image: MGBoYK8.jpg]

Cream:     Cremo menthol
Soap:       Razorock American Barbershop
Brush:      Paladin WCXL 30mm
Razor:      Muhle R41 with Stirling Soap handle
Blade:       Big Ben(day 6)
AS:           Clubman Draggon Noir

celestino, Rebus Knebus, Gbsher and 7 others like this post
Prep: Tüff Vor der Rasur
Bowl: Supply white Marble
Brush: Leonidam Venator
Soap: Fitjar Island Folgefonn
Razor: LASSC BBS-1
Blade: Personna Med Prep
Post: Alum Rub
AS: Tüff Rasierwasser
AS Balm: Fitjar Island Folgefonn

[Image: SOTD_20200730.jpg]
Best Regards

Rebus Knebus, clint64, 120inna55 and 7 others like this post

It's sharp and it cuts. I like it...
Northeast, USA
Razorock GC .68/BBS Stainless & Tatra Platinum (2)
Knothead 28mm Tux African Blackwood/Resin
Stone Cottage Bayberry soap (Test Formula sample)
L’ORÉAL Hydra Energetic a/s splash
CK One Summer Eau de Toilette (2016)
[Image: Ed5tFOr.jpg]

Jim Kleinkauf, Polovez, jcmy53 and 8 others like this post

Home of the Spud Potato
[font=Book Antiqua][Image: KUjZkdf.jpg] [/font]
[font=Book Antiqua]Razor: 1948 Gillette Aristocrat[/font]
[font=Book Antiqua]Blade: Super Iridium (D5)[/font]
[font=Book Antiqua]Brush Declaration Brushworks Washington 25mm[/font]
[font=Book Antiqua]Scuttle: TheMudPlace Big Daddy Oiled Mahogany[/font]
[font=Book Antiqua]Pre-Shave Scrub: MRGO Lime[/font]
[font=Book Antiqua]Pre-Shave Balm: Vitos[/font]
[font=Book Antiqua]Shave Cream: Antica Barbieria Colla[/font]
[font=Book Antiqua]Post: Saponificio Varesino Puro Burro di Karitè[/font]
Aftershave: Floid Blue

Gbsher, Jim Kleinkauf, Andrei and 9 others like this post

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