
Veni, vidi, vici
Vault 111
Friday, February 7
[Image: WSk5JKV.jpg]
C.O. Bigelow~~Simpson CH2 Synthetic Badger~~2011 Mühle R41/Polsilver~~Proraso Lozione Dopobarba
Have a great day!

120inna55, HighSpeed, ExtraProtein and 8 others like this post
Shaving since 1971; enjoying my shaves since 2014
A che bel vivere, che bel piacere, per un barbiere di qualità! Happy2
Paradigm Ti SE - Kai Titan Mild - Morris & Forndran Genuine Horn - Grooming Dept Mallard Fougère Soap - Chatillon Lux TSM Fougere AS

[Image: AdK5wSF.jpg]

ram57, clint64, HighSpeed and 13 others like this post
Preshave: Grooming Department
Soap: XPEC
Brush: Paladin Samurai J6
Razor: Barbaros TR-2
Postshave: A&E
Great shave this morning - wonderful knot on this brush!

[Image: Oxjzot3.jpg]

Polovez, clint64, Rebus Knebus and 13 others like this post

Cincinnati. Ohio
[Image: 7OmKP9e.jpg]

Friday, 07 February,, 2020:

1930’s Gillette NEW
Rapira Platinum Lux 
Brad Sears Antique Ivory Barrister Shave Brush
Proraso Sandalwood Shaving Soap
Proraso Sandalwood Aftershave


Jim Kleinkauf, Matsilainen, Michael P and 13 others like this post

East Texas
Declaration Grooming | Massacre of the Innocents
Leo Frilot Tru-Stone Hallows | AP Shave Co. SilkSmoke 28mm
Ever-Ready SE | Delta Echo | Gem PTFE
Parfums de Marly | Herod

[Image: 9TbqqoW.jpg]

Hondo, HighSpeed, Jim Kleinkauf and 13 others like this post

[Image: 3ulTaGJ.jpg]

jcmy53, Calm_Shaver, Rebus Knebus and 12 others like this post
>>> Brian <<<
Happy beeps, buddy! Happy beeps!

Vintage Shaver
Seattle, WA
Friday AM 2020-02-07

Rooney Polo 1 Ivory Finest (24/54)
Penhaligon's Castile shaving cream (vintage)
Wolfman WR1-OC/WRH1
Gillette Super Stainless 'Spoiler' (11)
Penhaligon's Castile aftershave (vintage)
[Image: bNncwwv.jpg]

HighSpeed, Michael P, clint64 and 15 others like this post
(This post was last modified: 02-07-2020, 07:21 PM by Number Six.)
[Image: p5qBIyg.jpg]
Charcoal Goods :: Paladin :: Penhaligon's Sartorial 

Hondo, Polovez, jcmy53 and 15 others like this post
(I think I know who No.1 is!)

Posting Freak
(02-07-2020, 06:34 PM)SharpSpine Wrote:

[Image: 3ulTaGJ.jpg]

Lovely photo.  Happy2

SharpSpine, clint64, Number Six and 1 others like this post
Love, Laughter & Shaving  Heart

Philadelphia, PA, USA
[Image: 7VkiUQQ.jpg]
SOTD 02/07/20

One of the problems with having too many safety razors is that we forget certain things about our favorites. The LaResche 51 has a well deserved reputation. It is simply a magnificent shaving tool. The LaResche family were originally Swiss, and apparently spent four decades on incremental improvements to the Model 51. It is both smooth and incredibly efficient. I would hazard to say that this NOS example represents the endpoint of their razor business and is every bit as good as any of the modern artisan razors I've shaved with. 

Today’s shave again featured MWF, the best shaving soap on the planet for those without lanolin allergies. I love the stuff! I have been using it every day since February 1st, and must say that my dome and face feel very hydrated. So much so, that I decided to forgo the PAA Cube Preshave Soap today. I just lathered up with my Jayaruh Custom Silvertip Badger and had at it. My first WTG pass seemed pretty close to yesterday’s perfect shave, but did leave some tangible rough spots in my usual places on my face, whereas yesterday’s first pass left me pretty much at the BBS level on my face. The same was true for the dome as well. This shave, not so much! I guess there is something to be said for the efficacy of PAA Cube Preshave Soap. In any case, after relathering, the ATG second pass cleared every thing up! If the goal is to achieve a full bloodless BBS on a regular basis this razor joins a select club for me. The club members are: Colonial Silversmith, Blackland Vector, Seki AS-D2, RR SS Lupo, and GE Jones Shake Sharp. I'm now on my second two pass, bloodless BBS. I’ll keep shaving with this razor until blood appears. I've never had more than three in a row. I still don’t understand how this razor can be so smooth and at the same time so efficient. There was no heat from the alum block for the second day in a row. I’m really liking this French shaving tool! I feel clean smooth, cool and refreshed!

RAZOR: LaResche 51 Luxe
BLADE: Wizamet Super Iridium
PREP: Cold Water rinse 
BRUSH: Jayaruh Custom Rosewood Silvertip Badger 
SOAP: Mitchell’s Wool Fat 
POSTSHAVE: Cold water wash with brush squeezings followed by Thayers Lavender WH and finished with Fine Accoutrements Snake Bite AS Splash

120inna55, Polovez, clint64 and 12 others like this post

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