SOTD:  10/16/16

SOAP - B&M Leviathan.
BRUSH - TSM custom.
RAZOR - TSM custom.
BLADE - Astra SP.
POST - Thayers Unscented, B&M Leviathan AS.
[Image: image_zpsctk2gcnc.jpeg~original]

semperfi 45, Matsilainen, ram57 and 15 others like this post

Carleton Place, On., Canada
Razor: Gillette Goodwill 1930's Ball End Open Comb (Made in Canada) PIF from Spud form PEI.
Blade: Personna Platinum (3)
Brush: Franks Shave Finest Faux Ebony (Travel)
Soap: Route 66 Bourbon Jungle
Aftershave: Route 66 Bourbon Jungle Balm
Once again I have a very close comfortable near BBS shave with this razor. The travel brush is a real winner. Route 66 Bourbon Jungle is an out standing soap and the aftershave balm complements the shave perfectly.

[Image: BJ6xrvj.jpg]

Michael P, Freddiep318ti, alfredus and 15 others like this post
Semperfi 45


Vancouver, WA USA

Shaver Joe Seahawks Brush
Czech & Speak No. 88 Soap
Schick 66 Injector
Schick Super Stainless
Barrister Reserve Classic Splash

alfredus, Matsilainen, clint64 and 13 others like this post
[Image: 7AsY5dW.jpg]

alfredus, Freddiep318ti, celestino and 12 others like this post
(I think I know who No.1 is!)

Home of the Spud Potato

Menthol Monday Planned SOTD

[Image: U4dLN3R.jpg]

Blade: Feather FHS-10 (D2)
Brush: Bethlehem Olivewood w 26mm HMB
Bowl: Dirty Bird 1.5 Scuttle
Pre Shave Scrub: MRGLO
Pre Shave Oil: Homemade Frosted Woodlands
Shave Soap: Tiki Frosted Woodlands
Post: Saponificio Varesino Puro Burro di Karitè
Aftershave: Alt-Innsbruck

tdmsu, Freddiep318ti, alfredus and 14 others like this post

New York

Hot Water Prep
Palmolive Shave Stick .. remilled to Old Spice mug
New Forest #2201 .. Superior Badger
P. Hospital Le Grelot .. "Pearl of The Orient" 6/8+
Scrupleworks Vegetable Tanned Horsehide .. 30/50
Witch Hazel
Alt Innsbruck Eau de Cologne

A quick shave this morning .. Face lathered the Palmolive and a sharp two pass shave ... Good enough to get me out the door in a hurry!

Here's to a great week of shaves ..

[Image: 3107096d-c336-400f-892a-7659e318a89f_zps0gknfd2f.jpg]

Matsilainen, semperfi 45, User 458 and 13 others like this post
[Image: Cxyzazg.jpg]

Cobra Classic
Feather Artist Club Pro
Barrister and Mann Leviathan
Simpson Polo 8 Super Badger

Jerry Carrick, tdmsu, Freddiep318ti and 12 others like this post
All the best,

Michael P

South Coast, USA
[Image: BXHbpRQ.jpg]

A relaxing evening shave …
Pre-shave: Shave Secret after showering
Razor: 1961 Gillette 195 Adjustable "Fat Boy” (WTG = 5, XTG = 5 & ATG = 3)
Blade: Gillette 7 O’clock Permasharp (3)
Brush: RazoRock Chubby Extra Silvertip Badger Shaving Brush with Olive Wood Handle
Soap: Italian Barber’s Amici
Water: Cold
Alum Block: Yes, with virtually no sensation at all.
Post Shave: Thayer's Witch Hazel with Aloe
Aftershave Balm: Nope
Aftershave: Italian Barber’s Amici

alfredus, clint64, tdmsu and 11 others like this post
[Image: 20161017_SOTDSSepiaColBrush_zpsfldvbm8o.jpg]

Pre-Shave: Cypriotian Olive/Argan Oil soap, cold water
Razor: Weber PH UFO Titan L
Blade: Ladas (2)
Brush: Paladin Chief
Lather: Mystic Water Bergamot, Cedarwood & Juniper
Post-shave: Alum, Barrister & Man Kyovu Original, South Australian Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil

DabblinRazors, semperfi 45, 120inna55 and 9 others like this post

New Jersey
Proraso Green Pre/Post
Plisson Synthetic Pearly Grey handle
Van Yulay Papi's Pipe
Phoenix Bakelite Open Comb Slant
Personna Red (Shave 3)
Thayers Superhazel with Proraso Green Pre/post Followed Proraso/Osage Rub splash

[Image: 4kLAGBL.jpg]

celestino, Blade4vor, Matsilainen and 10 others like this post

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