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Home of the Spud Potato
Thursday SOTD

[Image: jOJ1RNV.jpg] 
Razor: Hiram Commander
Blade: Schick Proline (D11)
Brush:  DaVinci UOMO 293
Bowl: Corbell Pedestal Bowl 4"
Pre-Shave Scrub: MRGLO Lime
Pre-Shave Balm: GroomingDept Patchouli & Mint
Shave Soap: Barrister & Mann Fougere Imperiale 
Balm: Saponificio Varesino Puro Burro di Karitè
Aftershave: TSM Fougère Toner

HighSpeed, Dave in KY, Rebus Knebus and 14 others like this post
(This post was last modified: 04-14-2021, 11:58 PM by Jim Kleinkauf.)
PRE: bloom water
RAZOR: The Pearl Flexi Adjustable Safety Razor V2 #4
BLADE: Gillette‌ 7 O'clock SharpEdge Yellow
BRUSH: Heritage Ever-Ready 26mm SHD Gel
SOAP: Ethos /CBL Fresh Lime Shave Soap
POST:  Ethos /CBL Fresh Lime Skin Food AS Splash

[Image: ZRuaKG2.jpg]

Awesome first shave with the Pearl Flexi Adjustable. There were no alignment issues, and the shave at level #4 was smooth and efficient -- BBS in two passes with a little touch up. IMHO this is a first-class adjustable razor. It’s a keeper!

120inna55, jcmy53, ischiapp and 14 others like this post

North Texas
Wednesday, April 14, 2021 - Shave of the Day
[Image: 1l5fRfl.jpg]
Prep  ||  Cantu Pre-Shave Scrub
Brush  ||  Paladin Chief
Soap  ||  Wholly Kaw King of Bourbon
Razor  ||  iKon ShaveCraft Tech / Wizamet Super Iridium (5)
A/S  ||  Wholly Kaw King of Bourbon
Growth  ||  48.5 Hours

Andrei, AQU, ANG69 and 12 others like this post


[Image: eLgx1OF.jpg]

celestino, Rebus Knebus, Jim Kleinkauf and 12 others like this post
(04-14-2021, 07:22 PM)IanG153 Wrote: SOTD: Nice easy mid-week shave - hope everyone is doing well![Image: m5moJ14.jpg]

How nice to see your Sevilla in such a nice company. It looks really pampered!

Greetings from Santa Rosa, CA

ALEXANDR D., clint64 and seannottingham like this post

Philadelphia, PA, USA
(04-14-2021, 03:51 PM)Jgreenepa Wrote:
(04-12-2021, 05:39 PM)mrdoug Wrote:
(04-12-2021, 05:16 PM)Jgreenepa Wrote: [Image: kXHxucH.jpg]

Up early again, this time with a feline emergency. One of my wife’s three cats was attacked by a coyote and needed to be rushed to the local Veterinary Emergency service by yours truly. He’s in pretty bad shape. The coyote was sent to join his ancestors, and yours truly has a township gun ordinance violation to deal with thanks to my coyote-loving new neighbor! Mitten’s a good cat, but it doesn’t look good! After returning home, I needed a pick-me-up. So I grabbed my 160 year old Boker French Point and my Christopher Bradley safety razor from Karve. 

This old Boker just feels so good in hand, and despite the softer English cast steel needing more frequent touch ups than some of my other straights, the edge always feels buttery smooth on my mug. The regular three pass mug shave checked all the boxes as did the two pass ATG dome shave with the Karve. I’d stopped using the Karve because of my tendency to nip my ear with the exposed tabs, but since getting the wide body top cap it’s no longer a concern. I feel a bit pissed off, but otherwise clean, refreshed and dolphin smooth!

RAZOR: H. Boker & Co. French Point (Mug), Karve Safety Razor with D_OC Plate (Dome)
BLADE: Feather DE 
PREP: Cold water rinse followed by a scrub with Argan Oil 
BRUSH: Alpha Shaving T-400 Tribute with 26mm Tuxedo Synth Ferrule
SOAP: Mitchell’s Wool Fat 
POSTSHAVE: Cold water wash with brush squeezings followed by a rinse with Humphreys Lilac WH. Finished with PAA Frost Byte AS/Cologne.

Yikes, sorry to hear about Mittens. Hope he pulls through.

Also damn rotten of the new neighbor. What a jerk. I hope karma pays him back.

Great sounding shave, though. Hopefully things turn around for the rest of your day. Good luck!
Thanks, Doug, sorry for not responding earlier.  Mitten’s doing much better.  My neighbor just moved in with her ‘partner’ back in Feb. 2020.  She’s a millennial 30 something and apparently some hotshot professor at Univ. of Penn.  It turns out she’s been feeding these vermin since she arrived.  We’ve lost a number of small pets in the neighborhood since her arrival.  After I shot her beloved coyote in MY yard to protect poor Mitten who was scrapping way out of his weight class, she called the police who ticketed me for violating the township gun ordinance.  The coyote was a nursing female, so we tracked her back to her 5 pup litter which my neighbor’s blue tick hound made short work of.  Turns out old Sam (hound) doesn’t like coyotes any more than we did!

Thanks, Jim!  I really don’t like coyotes!  Old Mitten is a tough little 16 yr old former feral cat who took a drubbing because he took out the coyote’s right eye.  She was so pissed at him that she didn’t take off when I arrived with the shotgun!  Her mistake!

seannottingham, clint64, fmalpartida and 1 others like this post
[Image: cZd2ieY.jpg]

AQU, NJDJ, 120inna55 and 15 others like this post

Gatineau, QC, Canada
S.O.T.D Is my Fav Noble Otter Orbit love the Scent and Slickness  Happy2 

Razor - CG - Level 2 
Brush - WW - Interrobang 24mm Timberwolf
Blade - Tiger Platinum

PreShave Oil - Truefitt & Hill
PostShave - Thayer’s Original
Aftershave Splash - Orbit 
Aftershave Balm - Zingary Man

Shaving Bowl CC - Copper

Kind Regards & Stay Safe

Alan H 

[Image: K9qcc3T.jpg][Image: JiVdDxi.jpg][Image: IXBMQtE.jpg][Image: y8vSgeY.jpg][Image: mXEs2By.jpg][Image: LlNP775.jpg]

120inna55, Jim Kleinkauf, AQU and 10 others like this post
"Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value."

  - Albert Einstein

Ventura County, CA
Gibbs Adjustable w/ Clouds Handle
Gillette Silver Blue
Zenith Chubby Scrubby
Modern Williams
Nivea Deep Vanilla and Bourbon

[Image: KcggUK5.jpg]

fmalpartida, jluc, Rebus Knebus and 9 others like this post

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