I have been intrigued by Lisa's Natural Herbal Creations and in particular Somali Rose, thus it got the nod for this morning. This one is Lisa's premium soap base and I was interested in that also. First, the scent. Out of the jar I get a complex blend of scent that I can't put names to but upon lathering I clearly get sandalwood and rose. The rose is the synthetic rose that seems to want to pass for the scent of a garden rose but to my nose comes off cloying and a bit brash. The sandalwood however takes the sharp edges off the rose and actually makes the mix pretty appealing. That said, I believe I am finding that I like the IDEA of a rose scented soap more than I actually like a rose scented soap. So now the shave. I don't bowl lather almost ever so I used a bowl to load the brush but lathered it on my face. The lather comes fairly quickly and by adding a drop of water here and there I produced a shiny, ropey lather that reminds me of Mikes. That said, cushion and slickness were not in the same class as Mikes. Post shave was kind of middling. But before I firmly place Lisa's into a midrange soap category I have to disclose that this is a SAMPLE jar and mgenerally get better performance from a full sized tub. As I have sat here writing this, my skin is a bit tight but there is not tingling or odd feelings going on. A bit of Shea and I'll be good for the day. The scent has lingered and as dried down to the way it smelled In The tub only now I can pick out the individual notes better. Sandalwood is in the front backed by the rose and it's awesome. I would use a EDP of this scent.
My method for the week. I take a sample of soap from the container using new coffee sticks to,keep things acceptable for the next guy. I smear that into a bowl. I load the brush from the bowl and take it to my face to lather. I'll use this Razorock plissoft brush for the week and will use the Gillette new and a Polsilver blade for every shave to remove variables.
My water is hard. My lathering skills are good. I own many of the top tier soaps to base my assessments on. Let the fun begin!
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