Ok, sorry for the late update. I received the box last Thursday afternoon and have been busy with work and family stuff all weekend.
I had about 90 minutes between when the box arrived and when my kid got home from school, so I smelled each sample and wrote down a list of the ones I'd like to use. This box is MASSIVE! Of the dozen or so I picked out, three really stood out to me scent-wise:
1. Lisa's Coconut Oud
2. Rock Rose Cypress Lime
3. Razor Master Ines
Then, there were the T+S scents, but more on that in a minute.
The first thing I noticed were scents that I have definitely smelled before. For example, both Long Rifle and Beehive "bay rums" smelled almost identical, and are almost identical to First Canadian's Bay Rum & Lime. The best I can figure is that they are all using the same fragrance oil as a predominant scent. It doesn't actually smell like real bay rum and I don't consider it a true bay rum scent. I like the smell though, whatever it is.
The other thing I noticed was that, across the board, more soaps smell more similar to one another than different. There were some small exceptions, like the three mentioned above. The one HUGE exception was Tallow + Steele which, like it or not, was totally different. Their scents were very complex and natural smelling. The T+S scents had way more depth than any of the others. It's really quite remarkable. The only one I own is Sicily, but it was nice to have them all there for comparison.
I decided to post reviews in clusters to save some time and to use them as means for comparison....
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