(10-01-2021, 05:54 PM)Sledge Wrote: I sold it for Eric. I have supported Eric from the start but was not one of the testers of the prototype. He sent me the black one to test after the LE was released. I agree with everyone that the changes resulted in a very aggressive razor, much blade feel. Eric's achievement is monumental despite the revision snafu though.
Although we are not close, I have kept in touch with him, pestering and bugging him to let me buy or foster home one of the prototypes since I fell in love with the steam punk flavored design.
A member of another forum read my review and contacted me about the possibility of acquiring one of the returns so I contacted Eric about it. He is still sad about how folks were unhappy with his revision and he didn't want to create more unhappy customers. I talked him into sending me one since the person who contacted me was interested in the razor from a collector viewpoint rather than comfort of shave. Eric sent me 3 LE's so I could pick the best one for the collector. One went to the forum member who initially contacted me, one was sold at auction, one remains. I may list that one for Eric or send it back to him, his choice.
The auction listing was my idea. I was initially surprised that the auction went so high. But when I thought more about it I realized that since there are only 51 and will probably never be more, and that collectors live for rarity, it made sense. I have been following this thread but did not want to comment before now in case it might be perceived as promotion of the sale.
I have no news about next steps that Eric might take but I gather from our texts that he has redesigned the razor to be milder and easier to manufacture with fewer parts. I will keep in touch with him about his plans and will share whatever news he says is ok to share.
Happy shaves all!
It's really a shame that Eric feels the way he does but it has been said before that there is no need for revision, as revision is what screwed it up for him!! He should just release the original prototype that everyone loved, make his money, reinstate his name in the business, and call it a successful day!! It's all laid out in front of him and has been said multiple times to date... I just don't understand why he feels the need to ruin what was obviously successful to begin with!!