I cannot hardly believe that someone has not posted a thread about this lil' jewel. I have had mine since last Fall and it has risen in the ranks to be my daily driver along with a Tech and a Krona. To be honest, I may even favor it a tad bit more than the other two classics. Make no mistake that this is no run of the mill Merkur head clone of which have inundated the market place. It shaves like no other DE razor I have used and to my face it is damn near perfection!! This razor is based on the old Kirby Beard and Company/Leresche razors who appear to be the first to have used a solid guard bar in 1928, approx. TEN years before Gillette:


Here's the modern copy:


Sharpologist praised it:


Quote:...Using this razor like a traditional Gillette or modern day safety razor yields par shaves with a very mild touch. It takes several shaves to realize the full potential of this piece. Once I became comfortable with the razor, I noticed that the slimmer “scalloped” head allowed easier access to those hard to reach areas (such as under the nose) and provided a better glide over the skin especially when using a light touch...

Shaving with the grain (WTG) was effortless once technique was mastered. I noticed that I was able to remove 90% of my beard with one stroke, rather than several small strokes common with other razors

If you're bored with countless clones of existing razors and/or shocked by the price of "unobtainium" niche artisan models then give this one a try. I'm glad I did as it's quite simply the best new DE design to come down the pipe IMO. For me, it just dwells perfectly in that "Goldilocks zone" of "just right" between too mild & too aggressive. YMMV.  Wink

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Secretary Ramsey put his foot into it yesterday . . . in the course of his remarks he said that California “needs water and better society.”  “So does h-ll,” yelled someone in the crowd.  

Illinois USA
I've only used mine a few times. Still getting used to it.

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see op not all praise the razor....

Las Vegas, NV, USA
BPman, thanks for posting your remarks. I’ve been interested in this razor for a while now, but haven’t seen many reviews at all.

I’ve had a Gillette Travel Tech, which was way too mild for me. Haven’t tried the Krona yet, though I’ve heard it’s a very nice razor. Is the Prismatic more aggressive/efficient than those two, or just — different? And how long did it take for you to come to grips with how it shaves?

Thanks again for posting.

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Whenever I go to shave, I assume there’s someone else on the planet shaving, so I say “I’m gonna go shave, too.”
– Mitch Hedberg
I've had mine for several months and it give nothing but excellent shaves. I did swap out the handle in favour of the SS bomber handle,but even with the stock handle it gave excellent shaves.

BPman and Matsilainen like this post
(This post was last modified: 05-09-2017, 01:20 AM by BPman.)
(05-09-2017, 12:54 AM)Matsilainen Wrote: BPman, thanks for posting your remarks. I’ve been interested in this razor for a while now, but haven’t seen many reviews at all.

I’ve had a Gillette Travel Tech, which was way too mild for me. Haven’t tried the Krona yet, though I’ve heard it’s a very nice razor. Is the Prismatic more aggressive/efficient than those two, or just — different? And how long did it take for you to come to grips with how it shaves?

Thanks again for posting.

You're welcome.

It is a tad more aggressive than the Tech IMO, but that is subjective of course. It flat out shaves better. Honestly, it took me a a week or so to learn its nuances.

A razor is merely a platform to hold a blade, nothing more nor less. This particular razor has more blade exposure, but allows you to control the angle like no other DE razor I have used. Simply brilliant, IMO.

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Secretary Ramsey put his foot into it yesterday . . . in the course of his remarks he said that California “needs water and better society.”  “So does h-ll,” yelled someone in the crowd.  

Las Vegas, NV, USA
(05-09-2017, 01:19 AM)BPman Wrote: A razor is merely a platform to hold a blade, nothing more nor less. This particular razor has more blade exposure, but allows you to control the angle like no other DE razor I have used.
Looking at the design, it does look like there’s a lot of room for varying the angle (thanks to the thinness of the razor head and the blade exposure), so it’s no wonder that it might take some time to find the optimal way to shave with the Prismatic. But I could see those same reasons making it a good fit for a variety of users.

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Whenever I go to shave, I assume there’s someone else on the planet shaving, so I say “I’m gonna go shave, too.”
– Mitch Hedberg

I love the Prismatic. It has a louder audible (since more of the blade is exposed) than most other razors. This will help you confirm the blade angle. It is like the razor is "singing to you". It does take a few shaves to figure out what works best for you. But once you do...this razor is one fantastic tool. It allows me to do the closest and most accurate work, above the lip and under the nose (compared to my other razors, Merkur 34C, Mamba, Baby Smooth, RR 6C, Merkur Progress, Merkur Futur, Supply SE, Various Chinese, etc.). I have tried around 6 or 7 different blades with this razor, and I am still looking for the best match. Astra SP, Voskhod and Israeli Personna work well. For me, the Feather was a little to aggressive for the Prismatic. All in all, for the price it is a great buy. Since the Prismatic is based on an older 1920's design, you can experience a unique part of shaving history.

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(03-07-2018, 11:51 AM)Captainjonny Wrote: ...I have tried around 6 or 7 different blades with this razor, and I am still looking for the best match.  Astra SP, Voskhod and Israeli Personna work well.  For me, the Feather was a little to aggressive for the Prismatic.  All in all, for the price it is a great buy.  Since the Prismatic is based on an older 1920's design, you can experience a unique part of shaving history.

I hardly use mine anymore for the main reason that I have to concentrate too hard on my chin area with it lest I get a nick. I just got too damn lazy & spoiled by my old standby the Tech. Shy

FWIW, the best blade I used in it was the NOS Gillette Platinum Plus made in Brazil.

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Secretary Ramsey put his foot into it yesterday . . . in the course of his remarks he said that California “needs water and better society.”  “So does h-ll,” yelled someone in the crowd.  
I agree that this razor has flown under the radar. It is an excellent razor at a great price. I did put on a stainless steel handle which improved the razor. It is very efficient.

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