(01-29-2020, 06:45 PM)tcainerr Wrote: Icarus is a wonderful base. If there's any initial funk just leave the soap uncapped for a few days. And don't be afraid to load the hell out of it.
If there is funk then check for black spots as my Icarus molded and had to be tossed. Yes, I left the lid off for 24 hrs. every time after using it.
You should be very happy with the soaps you have received provided you like the scents. Both the Bison base and the Icarus base hit all the metrics for quality when you use them. GLS is a collaboration with Chatillon Lux, a high level scent designer. Both the splash and toner for that scent are still available from Chatillon Lux--if you like that scent you might considering going to the CL website and ordering some (under "Provisions").
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