(This post was last modified: 12-30-2016, 05:23 PM by Hardtop01.)
Hey all,

I just got finished with my second shave with the open comb Blackland Razor. I have been unable to shave with this razor two days in a row because it shaves so frickin close, I have nothing on the second day to shave. That was the first complaint. Second, there is zero learning curb provided you owned the straight bar version of said razor. BBS shaves out of the box and second shave. That was my second complaint. But wait, they are not complaints! That is correct.

All joking aside this is an aggressive razor with razor blade and comb feel, but if you can either appreciate that or set that aside, you are in for a treat.

Let's hear others experience with the razor.

Full disclosure I did not pay $169 for the razor but bought it on the pre-sale for $143 or so.

zaclikestoshave, Matsilainen, preidy and 2 others like this post

Restitutor Orbis
If you had to choose, which one would you get? SB or OC?

I'm a big fan of their SB, it's my most efficient razor and my daily driver now.

herbert7890 and Matsilainen like this post
Good question.

Pretty early to make a solid judgement call, but I lean towards the SB since the efficiency is way up and the aggression is lower down. The open comb was efficient, but make no mistake it is aggressive.

Aurelian28, Matsilainen, zaclikestoshave and 1 others like this post
How would you compare BB to other machined razors like Timed, SheepBoy, DFS - 1, BTT etc. Smile

ANG69 likes this post

Restitutor Orbis
(12-30-2016, 09:51 PM)Hardtop01 Wrote: Good question.

Pretty early to make a solid judgement call, but I lean towards the SB since the efficiency is way up and the aggression is lower down. The open comb was efficient, but make no mistake it is aggressive.

Thank you, that's very helpful. I m tempted to try the OC because the SB is simply fantastic but I'm not too much into aggressive razors.

(12-30-2016, 10:08 PM)iamsms Wrote: How would you compare BB to other machined razors like Timed, SheepBoy, DFS - 1, BTT etc. Smile

Not the OP. The only razor I recognize on your list is the Timeless. Did you also mean ATT? I have a Wolfman, BBS-1, And Rockwell. The BB SB is my favorite and daily driver.

The BBS-1 remains the most special, it's like a relic in my den but the best performing is the BB with the Rockwell being the best in value and ease of use.

The wolfman SB and OC are mostly unused, along with my ATT S1.

herbert7890, Matsilainen and ANG69 like this post
Quote:I have a Wolfman, BBS-1, And Rockwell. The BB SB is my favorite and daily driver.

The BBS-1 remains the most special, it's like a relic in my den but the best performing is the BB with the Rockwell being the best in value and ease of use.

Wow, Aurelian28 this is high praise indeed.

I love my Wolfmen in both SB and OC. I also enjoy my aggressive/efficient razors like the Timeless .95, Ikon SS Slant, etc.

For you to say that the Blackland is the best performer makes waiting for mine to arrive even more exciting! I ordered the Polished version and also ordered the OC base, and I'm now really looking forward to them.

By the way, if that BBS-1 is collecting dust and you ever want to find a good and loving shave den for it to live and be used in a weekly rotation, please let me know Smile

Matsilainen likes this post
All the best,

Michael P
(12-30-2016, 10:30 PM)Aurelian28 Wrote: Not the OP. The only razor I recognize on your list is the Timeless. Did you also mean ATT? I have a Wolfman, BBS-1, And Rockwell. The BB SB is my favorite and daily driver.

The BBS-1 remains the most special, it's like a relic in my den but the best performing is the BB with the Rockwell being the best in value and ease of use.

The wolfman SB and OC are mostly unused, along with my ATT S1.

Wolf ~ Sheep

Man ~ Boy

Above the ~ Below the


Happy new year!!

Marko and herbert7890 like this post
(12-30-2016, 10:08 PM)iamsms Wrote: How would you compare BB to other machined razors like Timed,  SheepBoy, DFS - 1, BTT etc.  Smile

The only one in your lot I can speak to is the Timeless. The Timeless and Wolfman are in my opinion different razors on the same spectrum. Both deliver similar excellent shaves, the Timeless being a heavier razor in that class. The Black Bird is unapologetic about its looks, love it or hate it, it just shaves really really well. Both Blackbirds I own are the brushed finish so I don't see what the polished owners see. I just see a very Unitarian razor that has a lot of blade feel and rewards those that takes the time to learn the tool. I had the Rockwell, used the 6, felt similar to many razors I have and do own so I moved it on.

preidy and Matsilainen like this post

Shaven in the Past
Just wondering. Did you just become tired of the S-1 or did it not preform as expected? I'm planning on replacing my C37 and was considering the S-1.
Cold Water Shaver / Single Ring Proponent
The Rockwell is an excellent razor, gave me good shaves all the way around with little to no learning. I would chalk it up to owning several excellent razors and saying if one had to go, which one would I miss the least? In this case the Rockwell drew the short straw. In hindsight rather than moving razors along, I should probably have put it away and brought it out later to revisit the shave. I probably flipped it for the Wolfman or Timeless so no regrets that way, but I would be lying if I said I never thought or repurchasing....

I keep pausing on the repurchase button as it conflicts with another directive; once RE-purchased it cannot be sold again. This moves the Rockwell into my stable permanently or face the Wraithlike behaviour of my wife/spouse.

Matsilainen likes this post

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