Very good blades. Similar to the Krona Chrome in feel but I think they keep their edge longer.
If they're blocked, or stuck together, and won't slide out of the dispenser easily run a hair dryer over them to warm them up. I do that with a few different brands in dispensers. There's a little bit of oil on them and it gets really stiff as the decades have passed.
Great blades. For me they have been just a slight step below Wilkinson Light Brigades, Personna 74s, and Gillette 'Swedes' in overall quality of shave. In my experience, I would rate them about equal to Gillette 'Annecy Swedes' or Super Stainless 'Spoilers,' Schick Krona Comfort Edges, or Wilkinson Falcons, all very good.
I have enough new razor blades, I'm going to try to get some vintage ones to try. Which should I get first?(basically, which can I find for the cheapest?)