Glad you're enjoying your new R41, Drifter. Since you've used the Feather SS, I wonder if you've also tried any of the various Artist Club safety razors. Many are right up there with the R41 in terms of effectiveness, in my experience.

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Final Update

A very odd shave today. I loaded the R41 with a brand new Feather blade - half wondering why considering I just got 100 Personna Reds because the (which have been my go-to for a while) Feathers were causing too much irritation here lately with all my other razors. But you know - science.

Anyway, I took a shower and lathered up some Wholly Kaw Leather scented cream.

Went at my face completely forgetting I had put in the Feather, thinking it was a Red. And because Reds are so forgiving, I get lazy - even with the 41. This shave started that way - a little lazy. I paid no price for that laziness though. Sweet!

In the middle of the second pass, I remembered that I was riding a Fresh Feather. It was the only weeper of the shave. That was it! Moreover -> No burn. The Post - Shave Alum run, ran over the battle zone unaware that there had even been a battle. And that's because there hadn't been. The 41 and the Feather mowed down 2.5 days of growth screaming "dilly dilly" and wondering how long before a beer.

Ultimately I thought, for science, that I would do a three pass shave. I BS you not, between the cream, the razor and the blade, tonight I have a baby butt smooth face. Incredible.

I closed it out with a squirt of Gentlemen's Refinery AS and balm... soooo very soft. Love that AS.

All said and done, it's a great razor.
Why I can load it with the Feathers and have a comfortable shave with it, where with my other razors I get burn is beyond me. I'll give it to the razor's voodoo. It's a great shave. I don't find it as aggressive as everyone says. That said it is a close shave!

Finally, it's a fine looking razor. I'm quite sure the quality of materials in the razor don't warrant it's price tag though, but that's the penalty we pay this side of the Atlantic I guess (they are cheaper in Europe).

It hasn't knocked my Feather Artist Assist SS out of the bathroom, and definitely not my straights, but it has made all my other DE's redundant and unneeded. I'll be shaving with it exclusively for the next 3 months.

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