In your view would you expect these distinctly labeled blades to be the same blades? Both packages say "Platinum Chrome" near the top [see arrow]. Both packs say "Stainless Steel Blades" [arrow at bottom]. But the blade ejectors recite different blade types [see arrows on blade ejectors]. On the left are Platinum Chromes and on the right are Stainless Steels.
I purchased 100 packs of what I thought were the blades on the left, only to realize months [or a year] later that over half of the order was comprised of blades on the right. The term "Platinum Chrome" appears on various Personna offerings, and are a very good blade although not top tier IMHO. The stainless steel blades on the right are, again IMHO, a notch or two below.
I find it difficult to trust Personna and will not purchase any of their blades except perhaps Lab Blues which have been consistent. But even the revered Med Preps I have received in a 250 lot box, were irregulars or something else altogether, although the blade was stamped FOR HOSPITAL USE, as expected.
Anyway, there are still lots of top tier blades to choose from and I'm not freaked out, but I thought you might like to know.
Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts. Winston Churchill
Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts. Winston Churchill