
Philadelphia, PA
I've seen this a few times recently and I'm curious about it.

does anyone use it and like it? is it a worthwhile pickup? what is it similar to?

ALI, TommyCarioca and DanLaw like this post
Tu ne cede malis, sed contra audentior ito.

Posting Freak
(This post was last modified: 01-04-2023, 03:22 AM by TommyCarioca.)
Great soap. A Neroli Portofino-Arlington vibe. My missed used summer soap in 2022. I bought a back up, but need more.

Lather is solid.!

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DanLaw and ALI like this post
I’m not good at scent descriptions but it is a nice classic Spanish scent; I get rosemary and some citrus. Scent is low-medium for me. Makes a decent lather; performance is good but not great. Its triple milled and very hard and will likely last a long time. Overall its not top shelf for me but I do enjoy using it from time to time. Hope this helps.

DanLaw and ischiapp like this post

AdP Colonia Enthusiast
Sitting in orbit
(This post was last modified: 02-03-2023, 08:22 AM by xterribad.)
Levante soap is made by LEA fyi

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