Over the last few months one of my vintage Rooney Finest brushes, a 3/3 Ebony, began to shed quite a lot. The handle still have very crisp, pristine lettering, and since I loved its appearance and feel in my hand, I decided to have it reknotted so that I could continue to use it in my rotation. I sent it to an artisan from whom I had bought brushes in the past, and he put one of his knots in it. But when I got the brush back, I was dismayed to see that half the lettering on the handle had been wiped off. Perhaps the artisan did not know that polishing would remove the lettering, since none of his brush handles are lettered. I suspect he was just tired and very careless. He claimed that the lettering had been faded before he worked on the brush, but as you can see from the images below, this is totally untrue. He refunded my payment, but the damage has been done, and the treasured brush handle is ruined. I don't think I'll ever use it; it's just going to sit in my cabinet as a reminder to be extremely careful about who works on your gear.