It was another Paladin release and my first thoughts was what new knot and what handles is ken offering. I clicked on the link and then the knot link and low and behold there was a new knot the 2CWHB5 in a 4 paragraph write up with Ken's analysis of its characteristics “a remarkable combination of backbone and softness at the tips”. I was hooked, now just reel me in. I wound up purchasing 3 brushes.
At the moment I'm in a 28 Paladin phase and my handles of choice for 28's are the PK-47, El Dorado and the Chief though I like my handles to be between 55-60mm, the Chief is a 64.. So I picked up a Chief 28 Kratatoa 55-48 HB5, a PK-47 28 Ivory 55 x 48 and a PK-47 28 Jade 56-51 SA5 (Ken stating that this knots has a very similar personality to the 2CLNL2's with some soft tip presence which I thoroughly enjoy).
I normally evaluate a brush after 4-6 lathering unless it's personality is dominant that the brush is not going to change that much no matter how much I use it. To me the 2CWHB5 after the 5 lathering's keeps getting better. This particular knot at 55-48 has the strongest backbone of any knot that I've purchased from Paladin (just my opinion), even more then the LD4's also at 48 free loft which I adore with it's soft tips.
What I like about the HB5 is not only its backbone at 48 FL but its firmness and soft tips. Now its my armature opinion either this batch of hair has shafts that are stronger/thicker (the firmness goes up 60-65% of the shaft) or there's more hair tightly packed in to this knot that gives it it's backbone/firmness. Its the firmness I believe that makes this knot seem denser then other Paladin knots (which characteristically are dense 46-48 FL which I search out in a knot). The wonderful backbone/firmness along with the soft fine tips with a touch of presence at the top quarter of the knot make this brush outstanding for those of us that have been seeking this type of knot/brush. I will also add the tips are uniformly white, this is a very handsome knot.
Kudo's to the Paladin family.
P.S As for shedding of the HB5 knot it lost about 6 hairs during its first cleaning and lathering and 2 on its 2nd lathering. But as I look into a mirror very morning an notice what is missing on the top of my head I'm never concerned about a brush losing some hair as long as it doesn't shed consistently like I once did.