Welcome to the forum

Mickey Oberman likes this post

Las Vegas, NV, USA
Glad to have you with us, mexey!

Mickey Oberman and mexey like this post
Whenever I go to shave, I assume there’s someone else on the planet shaving, so I say “I’m gonna go shave, too.”
– Mitch Hedberg

Toronto, Ont. Canada
Welcome Mike to the wet/traditional shaving world.

A new Tovarich to join our membership is always good..


mexey and Matsilainen like this post
Congrats on your excellent English! My Russian consists of about four phrases.

I used to have a Pils. Glad you like it. Yes, Feathers are renowned for their sharpness. You have three great razors. Enjoy!

mexey and Matsilainen like this post

Idaho Falls, Idaho
Welcome Mike
Welcome to DFS Mike. I am a Russophile and have read many books on your country's history. Glad to have you aboard. :-)

Matsilainen likes this post

Welcome Mike. How is the weather in Mother Russia? Your country have some of the best architecture that I've seen. Very unorthodox and creative. Without exception the best national anthem as well. Very moving.

Matsilainen and mexey like this post

(09-22-2017, 10:33 PM)mexey Wrote: Pleased to meet you, guys. In Russia wet shaving doesn't popular  as one might think. Most of the men use razors with cartridge blades.  
My first razor was Merkur Futur, but I sold it. At that moment I have 3 razors - Wolfman WR1 Solid bar, Pils and Blackland Razor open comb. Very clean and comfortable shave I have with the Pils razor, two other is more agressive for me and I trying to use its with different blades. My favorite blades are Feather. Also I have Rapira, Astra, Personna and Polsilver blades but they are not so sharp like Feather but I hope to find the best blades to each razor.

Welcome Mike! You have three beautiful Razors, I have a Wolfman and a Blackbird and would love to try a Pils someday. I have had very good luck with Gillette Nacet in both my Wolfman and Blackbird, may be worth a try.

mexey likes this post
Добро пожаловать!

В каком городе ты живёшь?

У меня есть друзья в России которые помогают
меня учиться по русски.

Moscow, Russia
(10-13-2017, 11:45 PM)2kdime Wrote: Добро пожаловать!

В каком городе ты живёшь?

У меня есть друзья в России которые помогают
меня учиться по русски.

I'm from Moscow. How is your Russian? Wink

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