
Posting Freak
(05-14-2021, 02:22 AM)Vic_El_Cid Wrote: Thank you all for the warm welcome and yes the snow has melted, can’t say it won’t snow tomorrow though.  Big Grin

Welcome for sure and what's this about snow? I'm in Southern Alberta (Calgary Canada) and we had snow yesterday.  And the day before.  The icy patches in the shady spots only disappeared a week ago.  Snow on the May long weekend is a tradition.  You need to be relaxed with a good sense of humour to live here.  I'd probably like it in Erie.  I think its established that mild climate makes you soft.  If you look at the historical records, no band of conquering barbarians or Vandals ever swept in from the balmy south.  No, they came from the north, probably sick of the weather and just wanted to warm up for a bit and get a little pillaging in.  That was the Viking plan - Norsemen?  Men of the North??  Cold weather?? Coincidence?  Nope, ...but I digress, welcome to DFS  Happy2

Vic_El_Cid, MaineYooper and Blade4vor like this post
Welcome. Approaching 90F in Pittsburgh. As a relocated So Cal guy happy to have working AC.

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(05-13-2021, 02:36 AM)Vic_El_Cid Wrote: Hello from Erie PA

Fellow wet shaving hobbyist here. Looking forward to reading reviews and seeing people's thoughts on hardware/software, old and new in regards to traditional shaving.

What’s up man. I’ve got a couple good buddies from Erie. It seems that your town pumps out a disproportionate amount of rad musicians and artists compared to its size.

I’ve never been but have been thinking of visiting lately. How do you enjoy it?

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Erie, PA
It’s alright I guess, my kid absolutely loves it she actually has time to go out and have fun. Unfortunately for me it’s another story, I am not from the area, I took a transfer up here last May and haven’t really had anytime to go out and explore it myself. I work in a state prison and this past year has been hell with mandatory overtime due to Covid and staff shortages.

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Posting Freak
Hang in there, this past year has been hard on everyone but it will get better. I was sitting on my deck yesterday afternoon in a break in the rain, (at least it wasn’t snow) having an isolation beer and I was reflecting on the past year and I thought, what if a year ago I’d been diagnosed with cancer and been given a year to live and this Covid year was it?  While there’s no doubt that there’s things in life which we just have to endure, we have to remember that life is for living and we have to enjoy and take what comfort we can from the present.

Vic_El_Cid, Rebus Knebus and mrdoug like this post

Erie, PA
Even though it seems grim I am grateful for having gotten here when I did because of the experience we all shared, yeah we still don’t really have a life but I got to go through the worst times with some really cool people and working 16hrs days a few times a week we got to build rapport faster and they took me in as one of their own, now it feels as if I’ve always been here.

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UE (Italy)
Welcome to the forum.

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UE (Italy)

Vic_El_Cid likes this post
Welcome neighbor

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Vic_El_Cid likes this post
Hello and welcome to the community !

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