
Posting Freak
As the Thread title says - does anybody actually use travel brushes?  Not brushes you use while traveling but those little brushes that screw into and onto a hollow tube to allow for drying and bristle protection while traveling.  They seem like a good idea and I have a Simpson The Major and an EJ one I bought for my son that he doesn't use.  Every so often I figure I'll take them along on a trip or a holiday and I'm always disappointed at how poorly they perform.  

I thought the same thing this time but decided to give it a run and audition potential set up.  The Major, while nicely made ,is just a poor performer.  Am I surprised that such a tiny knot performs as poorly as it does?  Not really, its a novelty brush as far as I'm concerned.  So on this trip I will do what I usually do and bring a normal full size brush in a ventilated shipping tube.  I'm glad I did the trial run today to remind me that travel brushes just don't do it for me.

Certif likes this post

Idaho Falls, Idaho
I’m with you Marko.  I own an EJ travel brush that will certainly make lather and I used to own another travel-made brush that I don’t recall the maker.  Problem is I just don’t find the compact size enough of a benefit to warrant leaving a full sized brush at home.  I have a dedicated brush that stays in my travel kit in its view-tainer holder and the travel brush is for kids to play with.

Marko, Certif and mrdoug like this post

Posting Freak
Peachtree City, GA
Odd, have long had great success with travel brushes including the high end Kent and Simpson screw in handle types. Find they work great and allow the brush to breath inside my travel pouch if not completely dry between transits

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Veni, vidi, vici
Vault 111
Had a Major. Nice knot. I found it more convenient to use without the handle/case.

DanLaw and Marko like this post
Shaving since 1971; enjoying my shaves since 2014
A che bel vivere, che bel piacere, per un barbiere di qualità! Happy2

Philadelphia, PA
no, I just bring my spare $10 razorock synthetic with me.

mrdoug, Rebus Knebus and Marko like this post
Tu ne cede malis, sed contra audentior ito.

Veni, vidi, vici
Vault 111
This was my "go to" travel brush for about 5 years, a Simpson Wee Scot, which fit perfectly in the small
pharmaceutical container. Drilled a few holes in the top and bottom and voilà. Now, I take my 2nd gen Simpson CH2 Synthetic Badger, not only does it dry faster than the Wee Scot, but it, too, fits in a large pill bottle.

mrdoug and Marko like this post
Shaving since 1971; enjoying my shaves since 2014
A che bel vivere, che bel piacere, per un barbiere di qualità! Happy2

Posting Freak
Peachtree City, GA
Never have gotten on with synths

Marko and frankshaving like this post
No. They're ridiculously small. Nobody is that short on space.

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Nero and Marko like this post
Used to use a DaVinci travel brush in silvertip, but it is very small. For the last 5-6 years or so I use a RV Shaving with a Muehle STF (19mm), and never looked back to a badger brush for traveling. It is kept in one of my brush tubes with holes to let air circulate. After use, it gets brushed over a towel and then put into the tube. Always dries so fast and never developed any moldy scent - left my badger once inside the suitcase for the next trip - bad idea. Syns are the way to go for a travel brush (and I am normally a 1000% badger user!!).

Marko, Nero, TommyCarioca and 1 others like this post

No, Stirling L'il Brother with a custom-3D-printed tube from Frugal Shave.

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