The soap container I have is glass with a nice thick screw top lid. Are you guys staying with the glass container? I like the glass. It makes me feel like royalty, as everything else I have but TABAC is plastic.
I agree the mouth of the jar was quite small. I had to take a spoon and reshape a mound in the middle from the edges. But the lid and heft of the glass is very classy.
andrewjs18 I am pretty much a face latherer. Since I dont want to contaminate the soap with different oils, I was doing the scuttle. I took this soap on a trip and forgot my damn scuttle. I just face lathered as normal, rebuilt lather on the brush before my next pass, and added the oil directly to the brush lather, then refreshed what was on my face. Worked like a champ. Problem solved. I had enough on my brush for 3 more passes.
This soap kicks ass.