Growth: 3 day beard
Prep: Warm shower: Stirling Sheep bar soap
Brush: Semogue 1470
Lather: Colgate - Shaving Mug Soap
Load Bowl: Old Spice Mug
Lather Bowl: large CaYuen shave bowl
Razor: SS Alpha Spirit
Blade: Kai Captain Blade (D7.5)
Post: Stirling witch hazel, PAA Mysterium Serum
2 pass, Touch ups mouth corners
First time using this razor. This was also the first time in recent memory of using this blade past 7 runs. This was an excellent shave! I did not plan to try this razor on three day's growth but that is how things played out. I decided to blade up to the Kai Captain to hedge my bets against the level of growth. It was an efficient shave without any harshness from the Kai Captain blade. There was just the right amount of blade feel for this blade. It was more pleasant to use than the Ti Vector for this blade. The OG Vector base plate would have bogged down in this growth and I would have used the Vector OC plate instead, but the Spirit was much more pleasant to use than those options. I found the razor easy to use under my nose. The weight of the razor was a little heavier than several of the razors I use these days but it was nicely balanced and not overly heavy. I got carried away with the shave and decided to do touch ups without lather in the corners of my mouth, hit the wrong angle and earned a weeper. Overall I am very impressed with this razor. It may have displaced my Ti Vector for this blade.
Thanks Big_T !
Prep: Warm shower: Stirling Sheep bar soap
Brush: Semogue 1470
Lather: Colgate - Shaving Mug Soap
Load Bowl: Old Spice Mug
Lather Bowl: large CaYuen shave bowl
Razor: SS Alpha Spirit
Blade: Kai Captain Blade (D7.5)
Post: Stirling witch hazel, PAA Mysterium Serum
2 pass, Touch ups mouth corners
First time using this razor. This was also the first time in recent memory of using this blade past 7 runs. This was an excellent shave! I did not plan to try this razor on three day's growth but that is how things played out. I decided to blade up to the Kai Captain to hedge my bets against the level of growth. It was an efficient shave without any harshness from the Kai Captain blade. There was just the right amount of blade feel for this blade. It was more pleasant to use than the Ti Vector for this blade. The OG Vector base plate would have bogged down in this growth and I would have used the Vector OC plate instead, but the Spirit was much more pleasant to use than those options. I found the razor easy to use under my nose. The weight of the razor was a little heavier than several of the razors I use these days but it was nicely balanced and not overly heavy. I got carried away with the shave and decided to do touch ups without lather in the corners of my mouth, hit the wrong angle and earned a weeper. Overall I am very impressed with this razor. It may have displaced my Ti Vector for this blade.
Thanks Big_T !
Many times they will set up the listing and mark it Sold Out until they are ready to release them and then they open it for purchase. Standard Operating Procedure
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