First shave opinion. The fit and tolerances are perfect with one exception. Nice tight threading, perfect blade alignment, and good clean finishing. All nice and smooth edges. The grip on the handle ( I got the 85 mm bravo) is excellent. The weight with the texture it was secure wet and dry. The only quip I’ll note for potential future production runs is that the stand is just entirely too big for the handle. In the ballpark of 1-2 mm too big. With how perfect everything else is engineered and machined I’m scratching my head here as I watch the razor wobble for 10 seconds every time I place it down.
My complaints end there. The shave is as good as it comes in the medium efficiency category. The bladefeel and comfort will appeal to 90% of wetshavers. Those who like 0 blade feel like the feather asd2, and those who like hyper efficient razors like the r41 may not get along
My go-to is the blackbird, but for quick a pre-work shave I might find myself going for this one. There is a satisfying amount of blade feel. Just enough to know it’s there and know you have the angle right. The angle of effective shaving isn’t massive, but the feedback and blade feel are easy to keep track.
Good one for sure. Tremendous value for a ti razor at this price point