For many years I enjoyed the hobby of collecting mostly vintage razors and adding an occasional modern razor here and there along the way. I also have a soft spot for adjustable razors and had many of them in my collection which included the more commonly known Gillette Slim, Fatboy and the Toggle and a bunch of not so well known at the time adjustable’s like the Apollo Mikron and Ben Hur and closely related vintage Merkur Progress, Gibbs to name a few. Moving forward in time to the present I’ve only got one Toggle ( had 5 of them at one time ) a Fatboy and a Slim that’s my travel razor left. I will add that all my adjustable razors were in mint condition along with a few NITB ones. These days I have been trying to simplify my life so I’ve only kept razors I use and the same goes for DE razors as well. No modern adjustable’s currently as I’ve sold all of them once I got the Rocnel 2021 Sailor but sold that wanting to get the MC version. The only ones I have an interest in and would have had one of each in my den is the Denali and the Ti Taiga but missed out on both as I was to late to the party.
Jonathan enjoy your journey and I very much know the enthusiasm you are currently feeling about adding all kinds of razors to your den.
Jonathan enjoy your journey and I very much know the enthusiasm you are currently feeling about adding all kinds of razors to your den.