
Nashville, TN
(This post was last modified: 08-15-2016, 12:17 AM by Pete123.)
I haven't read the whole thread, though think grim brought up a very valid topic. I've found that many reviews of products on ecommerce shaving sites like Maggard, etc.... are pretty good. I am honest in reviews I do, but am very careful in how I word criticism.

I also think another way for this is for individuals in the shaving community to write reviews. grim has written some great reviews.

I think we would get more reviews by individuals if more recognition and discussion happens around them. I remember not to long ago that grim wrote a really well thought out and thorough review. I was surprised at the number of views and lack of comments.

grim and Matsilainen like this post
(08-14-2016, 09:23 PM)brucered Wrote: grim

Who has two thumbs and is the only reviwer I trust?

This guy! (It's me, just in case anyone was wondering)


1 thumb up, Bruce

HoosierShave and Freddy like this post
Cheers, Claus from Denmark
(08-15-2016, 12:15 AM)Pete123 Wrote: I haven't read the whole thread, though think grim brought up a very valid topic.   I've found that many reviews of products on ecommerce shaving sites like Maggard, etc.... are pretty good. I am honest in reviews I do, but am very careful in how I word criticism.  

When I go look at tire reviews, I pulled this as an example. The tire size was the default tire that came up. I looked for 2.5 * rating and here are some comments


These tires are absolutely garbage! ...  I don't have any confidence in these tires to handle properly in poor road conditions. Do NOT buy these tires.


These tires are HORRIBLE in the rain.


Do not buy these tires unless you do lots of highway driving in better than average conditions

Its not just one or two, its pages of these kind of comments. Now can you imagine if some "artisan" or even commercial soap maker got comments like:

This soap is absolute garbage. Do not buy it.

This soap is HORRIBLE for thick beards

Do not buy this soap unless you only shave once a week at 72 degrees

So the question is - why not? Some youtube "celebrities" admit its to protect the maker. Why don't people feel the same way in these reviews and protect the maker of the tires?  This is my point.

wyze0ne and SCShaver like this post
(This post was last modified: 08-16-2016, 01:55 PM by brucered.)
(08-16-2016, 12:49 PM)grim Wrote: So the question is - why not? Some youtube "celebrities" admit its to protect the maker. Why don't people feel the same way in these reviews and protect the maker of the tires?  This is my point.

Some of them are friends and deal directly with them in some fashion on the forums or social media. It's different than saying "The tires from Walmart suck".

Plus, no more free for review goods, pre-release goods or priority purchasing of hard to obtain items.

SCShaver, hrfdez and wyze0ne like this post
(08-16-2016, 01:35 PM)brucered Wrote: Some of them are friends and deal directly with them in some fashion on the forums or social media.  It's different than saying "The tires from Walmart suck".

Plus, no more free for review goods, pre-release goods or priority purchasing of hard to obtain items.

So they are "protecting" their virtual friends? Then that is a disservice to the entire community, particularly those new to it that might view them as having some kind of expertise. If, in fact, they are friends, then EVERYTHING THEY SAY IS SUSPECT. I can't believe anything.

What about the commercial entities? You think the same people are buddies with Lady Forbes along with the CEO of Proraso, TOBS, T&H, etc.? I doubt that.

CHSeifert, SCShaver and brucered like this post
(08-16-2016, 12:49 PM)grim Wrote: Its not just one or two, its pages of these kind of comments. Now can you imagine if some "artisan" or even commercial soap maker got comments like:

This soap is absolute garbage. Do not buy it.

This soap is HORRIBLE for thick beards

Do not buy this soap unless you only shave once a week at 72 degrees

So the question is - why not? Some youtube "celebrities" admit its to protect the maker. Why don't people feel the same way in these reviews and protect the maker of the tires?  This is my point.

I agree with the point you are trying to make...but...

I have not come across a soap that is absolute garbage.    I think I could get an okay shave with a bar of Irish Spring if I ran out of shaving soap (that would be better than just using water).  

I'm my short time shaving with a DE I've used soaps that range from being satisfactory to those that are superb.  Where would you have to go to find an absolutely terrible soap?  Perhaps some Chinese soap on ebay?   But who the heck would waste their time to do a youtube review of a cheap ebay soap?

CHSeifert and Matsilainen like this post
(This post was last modified: 08-16-2016, 03:15 PM by brucered.)
(08-16-2016, 12:49 PM)grim Wrote: So they are "protecting" their virtual friends? Then that is a disservice to the entire community, particularly those new to it that might view them as having some kind of expertise.  If, in fact, they are friends, then EVERYTHING THEY SAY IS SUSPECT. I can't believe anything.

What about the commercial entities? You think the same people are buddies with Lady Forbes along with the CEO of Proraso, TOBS, T&H, etc.? I doubt that.

Yes, I think they are protecting their virtual friends. And without a doubt, they are friends with a lot of them and there is some back scratching going on.

As for Commercial Entities. How many YT reviews or Blogger have you seen review commercials soaps? They always seem to concentrate on smaller Artisans. Granted, I don't watch or read reviews any more, but that is what I remember them being mostly.
(08-16-2016, 03:14 PM)brucered Wrote: Yes, I think they are protecting their virtual friends.  And without a doubt, they are friends with a lot of them and there is some back scratching going on.

Then that destroys the integrity of the virtual system. Not that I'm shocked to hear this but you've convinced me to not look at nor read anything they write as it being suspect. That's too bad.

(08-16-2016, 03:14 PM)brucered Wrote: As for Commercial Entities.  How many YT reviews or Blogger have you seen review commercials soaps?  They always seem to concentrate on smaller Artisans.  Granted, I don't watch or read reviews any more, but that is what I remember them being mostly.

Samples Trumpers






They are easy to find

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That Bald Guy with the Big Beard
Bishop, CA
(This post was last modified: 08-16-2016, 06:00 PM by BadDad.)
There are several reasons.

First, tires can be the difference between life and death. Especially motorcycle tires. And at $150 each it's a fair investment to get into a curve and curve and have a Shinko slip...

Soap is non-life threatening and $15.

Rubber compounds do not for change from motorcycle to motorcycle. Different brushes, techniques, water quality, bowl or face, experiences etc, etc, all impact the performance of a soap. 2 people using identical soap can have completely different results.

Third...look around. People argue and fight over every little opinion, jousting to be perceived as top dog or more knowledgeable or just "right". Who the hell wants to publish a negative review and have the hordes of armchair experts attack them and trash them all over the Internet just so there is a "fair representation"?

YouTubers put up with enough garbage from the millions of morons that always know better but never do anything. Why would anyone expect them to intentionally subject themselves to the guaranteed horror show of a negative review? Every armchair expert on the inter webs will attack them viciously for doing.

Better to be lambasted for NOT being negative than dragged through the mud on every forum around for being honestly negative about a favorite product...

As an example...some time ago I got a tub of soap from Straight Razor Designs. It was given to me free of charge, NOT by the vendor. To date it is the WORST soap I have used. I very carefully stated that it provides barely acceptable protection during the shave but that the post shave was non existent and the slickness left a lot to be desired.

I was lambasted. This was before I was banned from their forum, so I saw my name dragged down by the followers.

Why should anyone intentionally subject themselves to that?

Here's another example: I was offered a free set of soap and splash to try out, no charge from the artisan. I accepted under the condition that they understood that my review of the product would be honest even if negative. They agreed...and then never spoke to me again, never sent the product, just disappeared. How does that work?

Shaving software is so subjective and individual. Nobody willingly subjects themselves to ridicule. To do a negative review is an invitation to ridicule, mud slinging, and slander. It's ridiculous out there...

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

SCShaver, Freddy, MaineYooper and 1 others like this post
-Chris~Head Shaver~
(08-16-2016, 03:04 PM)Elver Gun Wrote: Where would you have to go to find an absolutely terrible soap?  Perhaps some Chinese soap on ebay?   But who the heck would waste their time to do a youtube review of a cheap ebay soap?

I picked those as the extreme end. Here are some middle of the road comments and an equivalent in the shaving world

Worst tires I've EVER owned.

= "Worst soap I've ever owned" since you have no idea how many that is, its vague but sends a message. Surely there is a worst one you have owned.

I'm not sure I would buy these again, I'd have to send a update as to how long they last.

= I'm not sure I'd buy this again. I need to see the final cost/shave"

You get the point.

(08-16-2016, 03:29 PM)BadDad Wrote: YouTubers put up with enough garbage from the millions of morons that always know better but never do anything. Why would anyone expect them to intentionally subject themselves to the guaranteed horror show of a negative review? Every armchair expert on the inter webs will attack them viciously for doing.

Probably true from fanboys. So turn off comments.

(08-16-2016, 03:29 PM)BadDad Wrote: Why should anyone intentionally subject themselves to that? ... Shaving software is so subjective and individual. Nobody willingly subjects themselves to ridicule. To do a negative review is an invitation to ridicule, mud slinging, and slander. It's ridiculous out there...

Then that is furthering the point that you can't trust anything said or written. Because you are not seeing everything. That's sad.

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