(This post was last modified: 09-27-2018, 11:29 AM by PhilNH5.)
(09-26-2018, 10:14 PM)ShadowsDad Wrote: Gotta love that General Store/post office and the Moose! The last place I was in that had a stuffed moose was LL Cote in NH just through Grafton Notch*. Their moose is a white moose. Nice little town, Errol NH; or it was.
I've never been to Woodstock, but I have been to Ossipee and disliked it for the same reason. Just too touristy and too much traffic. If I never go back there it will be far too soon. This ex suburbanite (20 miles outside NYC) definitely no longer likes crowds and population centers and I almost never go back to where I grew up. That place is there in name alone but is no longer "home" to me.
*Maybe Cabelas has one and I've been there since LL Cote. But they don't a have a white one. I'll wager that.
LL Cote still has the white moose. I last saw it about 5 years ago.
The Bass Pro Shop in Hooksett, NH has the "Forever Locked" mount. Two bulls fighting for reproductive rights got their antlers locked and died. A hunter found the carcasses and a fund raiser was started to get the mount completed. It traveled the state for a while. I saw it at the Manchester Airport of all places. Seems to have taken up a semi-permanent place at Bass Pro.
You can read about it and see pics here www.foreverlockedmoose.org/
I have not been to the Cabela's in your state in a few years. But they have that center taxidermy display that is a mountain down to plains and woodlands. Bighorn sheep on top and there was a moose below.
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